How many unique Jow Forums users do you think post on here? Based on the frequency of the same threads...

How many unique Jow Forums users do you think post on here? Based on the frequency of the same threads, I would argue anywhere between 125-250

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I imagine there are about 20-25 white people and 700 million - 1 billion Indians who post here

Don’t forget me op

that's overkill. about 50 white people and 1k pajeet probably

first there's kneepad girl and mrbearfag, both entities being michael and his split personality
then there's the omg autist who keeps proxyhopping to call everyone a "migger"
a couple dozen pajeets come here to shill their shitcoins
a couple dozen white discord pajeets come here to shill their ponzi
finally, one guy controls a bot army of fake IPs to influence public sentiment
and then there's you op
so about 50 users all in all

5% McAfee
5% a bot
65% Rajesh and Pajeet via VPNs
5% is you
10% reddit
the remainder is me and one another user

Who is this harpy?

this girl is fucking disgusting.

Mostly bots attempting to induce panic selling.

wha u say u bich basard

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I think overall biz probably has around 1000 unique posters per day. of that number I guess like 100-300 or so produce 80% of the content and threads, so I kind of agree with you OP but not entirely.

this image scares me

I like to think there's only about 10-20 unique /biz users. We're just circle jerking each other with shill threads

i want to mating press him

>discord pnd fud
good for you

i would pay good money to make her drink my pee

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>that 30 year old boomer who's a regular on Jow Forums

I follow her on IG and she is a bit of a cliche but posts some fairly hot pics also. Mostly follow to see how far she takes things for fame. Wouldn't call her disgusting tho

Hey look, she shit posts on /biz

Attached: 11379300_869476636463511_211007813_n.jpg (640x640, 112K)

thanks just shorted 100k indians

How to tell the difference between a pajeet, an Asian, eurotrash, African Bushman, and American:

> OMG it's mooning (up 10%) is a pajeet
> OMG it's mooning (up 1%) eurotrash
> OMG it's mooning (talking about bcash) Asian
> OMG it's mooning (talking about the moon) African Bushman
> OMG it's mooning (up 10-100x) American

the level of dumb in your post.

I am a 30 year old boomer, but i dont regularly post though, only when something gets really good do i post.

And how's that, faggot?


you know how eternal virgin

Thousands. Unironically.

Probably only hundreds of regular posters but thousands of lurkers and occasional posters.

>> 30 year old boomer

Anyone know where I can find that shirt?

found the 12yo boomer