The population number in Nuuk is only around 17,000, yet i hear this thing almost everyday!
Greenlandic people are very uncivilized, especially the youth
God i hate this shithole!
I hate my homeland
When will you again build one building to host the whole Greenland population?
Has Greenland turned into a toxic crater yet or are the mining and drilling permits still pending?
>he population number in Nuuk is only around 17,000,
I heard life was pretty grim over there.
Why don't you save some money and move out?
I don't know what you are talking about
I don't know anything about drilling permits, i don't follow news about my homeland
i don't know how to move out permanently, i don't rhink it's that simple
Where would you want to move to?
If i could i would move to italy but i don't know Italian, i am pretty decent at English so the best option is probably the US
go to denmark like the rest of your mongoloid shit kind
ijf you are a girl you can come live with me
you pay rent throug sex until you find a job
Can I move to Greenland?
I've always been a bit curious. Are you just one or two really prolific posters or is there a ridiculous amount of Faroese people on Jow Forums?
there are two others, but they rarely show up.
I am 90% of the posts, got nothing else to do after work xd
Shit i misclicked
I am one of the very few if not the only from here that browses Jow Forums
Do you know Jona from the Faroe Islands?
She lives in England now.
you are Norway
I don't think the quality of life will improve at all if you move to Greenland leaf
Sorry i don't know anyone named Jona
What do young people do there?
get molested and die of alcohol poisoning
Doesn't ring a bell, sorry.
go to denmark get molested and die of alcohol poisoning*
>norwegians being autistic about our former islands again
Our youth is pure cancer, they have ZERO respect for others and they never do anything to make this a better place
They only care about going out at night and waste their life away instead of doing something productive
They are one of the things i hate the most about my homeland, i depise the youth up here
Go fuck yourself, those islands are our destiny
they go to denmark to become homeless and get drunk every day on some streetcorner in copenhagen, or to study.
they behave exactly like russian gopniks and fight each other next to the pölse wagons, 10/10 danish experience, one of them visited my village with some finnish guy from here and burned down cars.
you are an embarassment to our country on this board
Sure and you're a traitor to Norway
you don't know what a shithole is bro
>God i hate this shithole!
Come visit some time! I'm just a train ride from Copenhagen. You can learn how to make kebab from the muslim swedes and then get rich making whale kebab when you return home.
Youth is like that everywhere
holy fucking shit I had no idea autism like this is possible, both of you shut the fuck up
Faroe and Greenland belong to Norway
incredibly based and redpilled
therer is an other greenlander, comes from some village and only has internet one hour each week.
or is that you?
I guess someone is already onto that idea.
>The population number in Nuuk is only around 17,000, yet i hear this thing almost everyday!
Nuke Nuuk
OK, where on the pic do you life?
>born in paradise
>never has to humilate himself by working
>enough gibs to shoot heroin all day long
I hope Denmark will relocate many rapefugees to Nuuk
Bring them on, i don't give a shit!
If i could i would nuke the shit out of this hellhole!!
How strict is the customs? Can you get drugs through from Germany or Netherlands by mail?
Absofruitely not, Greenland prevails.
god I fucking hate am*Rica
thanks for the (you) faggot, now fuck off
You are my brother
if i somehow figure out a way to smuggle myself into greenland to fish there for like 5 years to escape from serbia and rest, would anyone kick me out?
id just fish for 5 or 10 years without ever speaking or bothering anyone, would such a thing be a problem?
nikolas teslefsen was norwegian
>I hate my homeland
Faggot, you're supposed to be the champion of the ideal state of your country and the good things in it
nikolaj teslanovic was a famous serbian solid fuel ramjet engine rocket expert
Greenland can never be the best version of itself unless it returns to Norway
What do you do for a job? Fishing industry? How fast is your Internet connection?