Describe to me, in intricate detail, why murdering non-whites could ever be morally wrong

Describe to me, in intricate detail, why murdering non-whites could ever be morally wrong

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ever had sex?

you are yerrow and therefore not white

You know that you are not white, right?

Describe to me, in intricate detail, why murdering Finns could ever be morally wrong

first describe to me, in intricate detail, why i'd bother explaining that to you

why are you suicidal?

>initiate protocol #31: "finns are le mongol"

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You're not exactly Mongols, but let me lay down a few facts. Finns share segments of genetic drift with Han Chinese, Japanese etc that are not shared with other Europeans. There is an ancient population that contributed to most of East Asia's genes and a small part of Finnish genes. Even some of the genes contributing to appearance are exactly the same. For example, some of the Finns' Mongoloid appearance is due to EDAR-370A:

Finns, unlike other Europeans, carry this gene at a low frequency. So the reason why you occasionally see a Finn with "chinky" front teeth is because they literally are "chinky" front teeth, caused by the exact same gene that gives stereotypical East Asian front teeth their appearance.

You are not white.

Only Anglos, Germans and Nords are white.

Oh yeah? What if I murder you first

>Germans and Nords

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lmfao sure thing kiddo

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How would you even do that, brownie? You're not even tall enough to reach my chest

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Tall enough to cut your heart

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but you literally are

Did you call slavs non-whites?

what the fuck does being white even mean when these retards call japs honorary whites, jews non-whites, and the irish white niggers

do you really think calling oyu white would be funny in the slightest ?

It means that I like nationality x, which I designate as white, as opposed to nationality y, which I designate as non-white
also if someone doesn't conform to the stereotypes that I ascribe to the nationality he belongs to, I just say that he's not a real [name of the nationality]

it is comfortable and saves a lot of effort, so I have more time to be based and redpilled in hoi 4. this is my 15th germany run! ugh... what could have been...

Because there wouldnt be any left to kill the whites

sorry you're not white user
the curse of the wog must weigh heavily upon you :(

oh, what luck. I've been practicing this line, and this seems the perfect place for it.
>whiter than you lamarr

>absolute state of the libtards

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stay assblasted, thirdie subhuman

It is against our empathy and will make you a monster to the tribe.

based croat

because your mother won't be able to get blacked or jewed or chinked otherwise

with a box kleenex