Iceland general
Tourists are finally leaving edition
My Queen is from Iceland
are you legitimately autistic
You know her channel ?
Fuck morges
I heard of her when she did a multiple hour livestream of dabbing to some dumb cartoon
pretty sure her audience is literally 10 year old kids with developmental problems
I like her because she has social anxiety just like me
good thread
I don't get that reference
oh man I cringe so hard when hearing that Icelandic accent, I can't watch this
How do you type wynn, eth, thorn, and ash easily? Copy pasting all the time is getting cumbersome
Also I can’t do the y with an accent on it at all
her accent is so cute
I want an Icelandic QUEEN now
wynn is not in Icelandic but the rest are just on the Icelandic keyboard layout
oh, apply for a job building the wall m8
I think everyone hates their own nation's accent
also I think she's laying it on pretty thick on purpose to appear more quirky or whatever
Alright thanks, icelandbro. I’ll just turn on the Icelandic keyboard layout and then just copy paste wynn whenever I need it.
>I think everyone hates their own nation's accent
I like my accent.
I just hate accents from other parts of the country.
I don't recommend it for programming though as you can see the slash and brackets have been moved to make room for the bigger alphabet
fornenskur stafur
íslenskan fékk þorn og eð að láni frá enskunni svo þetta er eðlilegur misskilningur
yea I meant non-native
when you have a non-native accent you tend to be self-conscious about it and hearing someone else having it just reminds you of how ridiculous you sound
ymmv of course but that's my experience
Yeah good call, It’s pretty easy to switch between keyboard layouts, so I’ll only switch to Icelandic when needed
Hví eru íslendarir altíð so seint uppi?
>búandi til /ísl/ þráð klukkan hálf eitt að nóttu á virkum degi
Er allt í lagi heima hjá þér, vinur?
>that Icelandic accent
How common is that accent?????
ekki dæma mig
there are about 300k Icelanders in the world so take a wild guess
this is the archetypal example of someone really hamming it up:
Danes are so much better at it, I thought you would just sound just as good as them. There is something endearing about this girl though
Skal sjálvur upp klokkan 6, men eri enn her...
>hann er iðjuleysingi
Ég vildi að ég gæti hengt smögg anímey telpu við þessa færslu en ég er þegar kominn upp í rúm
Láttu það bara nægja að ímynda þér glottið mitt
How cancerous.
Björk is hamming it up there intentionally and I think mörgæs is as well, most Icelanders don't sound that bad
mörgæs is close though to the average Icelander
sá tími er ókristilegur, ég held ég hafi ekki vaknað fyrir 8 í mörg ár
>hann er launaþræll
sjá mynd
>it only took 27 posts for Björk to be mentioned
well, can't say I'm surprised
that video is adorable tho I always link it when the Icelandic accent comes up
Because she was bullied in high school
Plus in the video she says she's sad because she has no boyfriend
she's 24 btw
hey I'm 24 and tfwnogf why doesn't she call me
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ try to talk to her maybe she likes you
In a scale to 1 to 10 what score would you give her
Why did she come here?????
I don't know maybe 6-7/10? she's pretty cute but a lot of "regular" girls I know are cuter
I have no standards tho if she's not fat I'd do her
She applied for a work in America and was accepted but only for one month
most Icelanders are closet ameriboos it's pretty embarrassing
>wanting to live in the US
this is good indicator the icelander is trash
Maybe it will help her anxiety being exposed to our madness...I hope so.
see for instance the denial and lashing out here when confronted with a real example of that closet ameribooism
the rates for flights to your island are cheaper than those to another part of my country of equal distance :)
get them quick wow air is going bankrupt from offering flights at barely above cost
what a nervous accent
I'd reccommend taking a look at this thread, it's directly related to Iceland and Icelanders. Just look out for this guy if you're Icelandic.
that guy is like half of all Norwegians on the internet lmao
they are obsessed with the islands having been "stolen" in 1814 since apparently Norwegian history class doesn't mention they had been functionally Danish in every way since 1397
Is this the same guy who accuses Denmark of genocide and insists Iceland and Norway were "broke" up by them or something similar?
>that guy is like half of all Norwegians on the internet lmao
You're going overboard, but I don't blame you.
Yes. He also likes to call danes "thieves" because of what happened in 1814.
maybe I will, is there a neat museum devoted to your sagas? or runestones?
If I'm not mistaken they should be reminded of this fact every time they speak
wtf, WOW air has round trip flights for 200$???(from Chicago)is it worth a 4 day weekend in the fall?
I don't see why not, surely the girls are tired of chasing their cousins
Assuming you mean that "norwegians are reminded of the danish union every time they speak", you should correct it to "write". Spoken Norwegian really does not sound like danish at all. Written bokmål, obviously yes.
I was under the impression Danes and Norwegians REALLY like each other, like as much as two different nations can.
We do, in real life. We also like the swedes, despite the memes. We're practically gay for eachother.
Jow Forums brings out the absolute worst in all peoples and all nations.
runestones are more of a continental phenomenon, most Icelandic runic inscriptions are short and uninteresting
but there's the Icelandic Settlement Museum, the Icelandic National Museum, countless old turf houses and Reykholt (including the pool Snorri Sturluson himself is said to have made) all of which will try to tie as much into the sagas as possible because they're pretty much the basis of Icelandic national identity
most tourists visit because of the natural sights though, Þingvellir (the old parliament fields pic related), Gullfoss one of the nicest waterfalls in Europe and of course Geysir the og geyser all other geysers are named after are the most popular sites
sure if you plan your trip
Reykjavík the city is actually the least interesting part about Iceland so I wouldn't recommend a city trip like you would do on the continent
Based. Obviously I'm not Icelandic so I don't know as much about the island, but I can reccommend riding the icelandic horses while you're there. Was an experience of its own. You don't need any horse experience whatsoever. I think they're called "Islenski Hesturinn".
I can't get around how small this country is in terms of population
My county is not too big and yet there are more people, and a GDP to rival the Netherlands.
It's freaking me out.
trail horses like that are all over in pretty wilderness locations.
The garden of the gods park in Colorado Springs has such a pony trail, where the horses file in line after a guide as you meander through these rock formations.
I think about this too. I work in a literal who suburb(Naperville, Il)that combined with its neighbor suburb has about as many people
Iceland is the smallest country in the world with its own currency, Icelandic is the smallest first national language in Europe, it's the smallest country ever to qualify for the FIFA world cup, and we've got a bunch of "per capita" records leading to the popular joke that Iceland is the greatest country in the world per capita
>ten thousand kronur
I've never understood some people's obsession with playing with their food but if you're into that kind of stuff the Icelandic Mighty Steed is all over the place and riding tours are too
being the world's smallest independent currency has some flaws, inflation being one of them
really that's a 1,000,000kr bill since the value of the króna was artificially increased 100x in the 80s (two zeros cut off all numbers) - the króna was originally established as 1 isk = 1 dkk but has lost around 99.95% of its relative value since then
high face inflated bills like that make neat souvenirs for children though
why is it embarrassing that it needs to be closeted? that's so weird. so either like something or you dont. but why would you be embarrassed to admit that.
tickers are cheap but you know the catch right? iceland is freaking expensive. food, lodging, gas, etc.
probably has something to do with icelandic cultural protectionism, they are threatened you see
of course, it's an island, it's still cheaper than Hawaii, so you know, it's a vacation anyway so you're going to write off at the very least 2-3k
this also the fact that most Icelanders are pretty left leaning on an American scale and wouldn't want to admit they look up to Trumpistan
Is it true that the University of Iceland accepts anybody into the Icelandic courses
t.24yo NEET with no uni studies
I can't say for sure but I think so as long as you have a high school diploma or similar
you need tpo have passed kindergarden
How can i breed your women
Wanna fucc
ive been to iceland ama
bandaríkin eru gjörsteikt sem þjóð og engu góðu má vænta frá þeim sem dýrka þau
only icelandic guy i know is the gay boyfriend of an american coworker. pre based for a homo
>hann er iðjuleysingi með derring
Haltu þér á mottunni, góði.
Og gleymdu ekki hver heldur klakanum á floti.
þakka þér fyrir þjónustu þína
einhver verður að vinna fyrir bótunum mínum
ég er fra Svitjód
ég gerði þessa mynd fyrir mörgum árum
hún átti bara að vera flipp í einum þræði, mér datt ekki í hug að hún yrði enn þá notuð mörgum árum seinna
það hefur alltaf truflað mig að fáninn nær ekki alveg út í enda því eins og ég segi átti þetta bara að vera flipp í einn þráð
ég á því miður ekki upprunalegu hráu skjölin enn en hér er þó aðeins leiðrétt útgáfa
jag er fra Island
ég á myndina með jeppanum ehv staðar
Mín er ánægjan.
Einhver sérstök ástæða fyrir því að þú ert ekki á vinnumarkaði ef ég má spyrja? Mím gráða?
Ég væri alveg til í að byrja lifa ljúfu NEET lífinu á ný en það tekur ekki langan tíma fyrir mig að fá gubbuna á því að vera verkalaus.
Því hann er aumingi?
ég er reyndar bara að jarma þig
ég er að klára gráðu í HÍ og er í hlutastarfi með
Aðgát skal höfð í nærveru sálar.
Nú? Ég er í sama bát.
Hvað ertu að læra?