>need a new
i second this
good OP picture
/fa/ as fuck
Autumn is bar none the most comfiest time of year, except maybe those very cold and chilly winter days
i'd rather read his banal shitposts than excerpts of moni's manifesto based on a considerably flawed view of the world clearly rooted in mental illness
in what?
i unironically know multiple stupid people doing or having done masters. it pretty much just means you have money and want direction
I decree today that life is simply taking and not giving
England is mine, it owes me a living
3 sleeps until red dead 2
can't believe its finally here
Moni is a weirdo freak but at least his posts are interesting, 190 has no personality
Very sugary and acidic
has a sort of bubblegum flavour
dont rate it myself
they all look malnourished
and no, they're not. they're incoherent ramblings
NOT dogshit
i want such a dress too
Thank u
dont go to a northern uni they're all cunts here
frail southern sissy fingers made this post
shut the fuck up gimp
what about Loughborough?
I don't remember him in the movie
suck your mum blue Peru
Bent southern poof
What the fucks a saveloy??
>unironically going to Chad Uni when not a Chad
only been eating one meal and a snack each day.
go take your female hormones and body hair removers you literal mental case
tortillas are good desu, have fajitas every other day.
same but no snack
My legal weed finally came today
High as a kite right now, post slags so I can have a sweet cum
Implying that wasn't a southern accent he was speaking in on that video
Bent poof yank
when are soyboys going to get bored of rap
Can't remember exactly but Kiera Knightley's bit was she was marrying some guy and his best friend was in love with her. Could be the black dude she was marrying.
Surprised I don't remember it though, seems like something that would stick out to me.
>Low-paid NHS staff forced to pay more than they earn in a day on parking fines by private firms
>Hard-up health workers are paying out more in hospital parking fines than they earn in a day, a shock survey reveals.
>One was fined £140 for not displaying a permit on her dashboard while another paid £135 when her car was towed away.
how the fuck is this allowed
Loughborough is full of fairies, the wettest night out too
need an azeri gf right now
how is it a chad uni? I'm genuinely thinking of applying there
Maybe, and this is just a suggestion, they shouldn't park illegally.
Couldn't find any ket there
Don't trust my health to people who can't read signs
Sauce, bro.
need to get a better astrologist then lad
mad ting sad ting
wish I was dead aye
private firms robbing low paid NHS staff just because there permits aren't displayed properly, how can you defend this?
What type of source is the Spectator
wish I had
Oops, I meant to say star signs but I actually said signs
what's wrong?
highest on the BUCS table pretty much every year without fail
anyone who failed to make a professional career in their sport and are somewhat academic will aim for that uni.
Thanks dude
just not enjoying life and how much of it is spent working or on other stresses/toil. I'm not particularly sad or anything, I just don't enjoy the vast majority of my time.
Any good Spectator articles to read?
very credible
Who they are and what they do is irrelevant
Everyone is subject to the same rules if you want to use the facility
>£1,449.00 for the new iPhone
wheres 190?
It was from a Norf meme and poof is an aussie word, um cultural appropriation much? okay sweetie
you poor or summit?
Day one purchase for Dave.
wow, amazing tattoos. really brilliant stuff
So is Swansea and Cardiff met
reminds me I need to pick up the new Speccie ASAP
also have a feeling Toby Young used to post here
thought dave did not like apple?
any big nosed but not jewish man in
why did yer old man fight against hitler. big foken mistake.
my mate with no job got one of them
Dave loves Apple products.
My ranking
Hold up.
Firstly, in the article it says they didn't display a permit, not that it wasn't displayed properly.
Secondly, whether they are low paid NHS staff has nothing to do with how the law applies to them.
So what your question boils down to beyond your general state of retradation is why private firms should be allowed to fine people for parking without a permit. And the answer is a question for you.
Would you be happy if loads of people parked right outside your door all day every day, blocked your drive, made it so you couldn't park your car outside your house.
I'm going to answer for you.
You wouldn't.
thingken of beto
nurse in spermbank is the best looking girl in peep show
then goth girl
and then toni
rest are forgettable
>so what do you do all day?
>post girls
>ah yes
Is that real?
That's it
don't care virgin
ye and?
yeah, life can get pretty dull at times. suppose it doesn't have to be that way forever.