What do you think about smoking in your country?

What do you think about smoking in your country?
And why is smoking still so popular in Eastern Europe?

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It's a "cool" thing when you're young then it just becomes a social one. Loads of people smoke, i don't like it.

I've smoked once, didn't feel anything. Shit-tiet drug.

That's a big furry bear.

>And why is smoking still so popular in Eastern Europe?
They wanna kill themselves because their lives are shit but don’t have the balls to actually do it in one go so they just slowly poison themselves.

quints of truth

its disgusting habbit

Personally cigarette smell is really disgusting for me, weed is more tolerable even if it smells like burning cowshit.
Here smoking tobacco was more popular in the 70's-80's or so when it was cool macho thing but it's not common anymore.


substitute for cock because eastern euros are just a bunch of closet homos.

So do people from Paris consider themselves as cool?

Its literally banned everywhere and taxes hiked up the prices to ridiculous numbers. Only people who smoke real cigs are the hardest of hardcore addicts. At the same time tho, vapes are popping up everywhere and vaping seems to be the new big thing

It is disgusting.
Very unappealing. It is something that should cease to exist.

People from Paris unironically consider themselves the coolest in the world but because they're from Paris not because they smoke

It's very bad.

My grandfather stopped smoking, he immediately died.

>And why is smoking still so popular in Eastern Europe?
Is it? I'd say way less people smoke nowadays than like a decade ago. I'm glad, because I fucking hate smoking.

Because thats the only way wageslaves have to take a break during work

This. My dad died at age 64 from lung cancer, and spent his last years barely able to move. There's other ways to enjoy life without shortening it by 30% and being disgusting to those around you

What a perfect daddy

it's very frowned upon to do regularly now, but many people still do it every now and then with friends

youngsters, bydlo, drunkards, gopniks
all sorts of lowly people still smoking in russia

Among adults with normal social life and decent income the degree of smokers became lower, I can notice it. In some social groups somkers became minority and being constantly mocked for being smokers.

tl;dr Being smoker among normal people become unpopular.

he's too white for you :)

Hot guy but smoking is gross

No such shit here

i only smoke big fat blunts

it's a waste of money and it's most likely that the habit of smoking causing stress with using a cigarette to relieve it