If we have wolf and moose hunting when the populations become too numerous, then why dont we have a fr*nch"man" hunt?
If we have wolf and moose hunting when the populations become too numerous, then why dont we have a fr*nch"man" hunt?
The wolf is a cunning, worthy foe and the moose tastes delicious.
eat this
>eat this
'ate englishmen
'ate germans
'ate belgians
'ate americans
'ate non-french food
'ate non-french language
love frog legs
love snails
love black people
love arabs
love me wife's lover
love jews
Hunt krauts, instead.
They're more numerous.
t. Jow Forums
dios mio
'déteste anglais
'déteste allemands
'déteste belges
'déteste américains
'déteste aliments non française
'déteste langue non française
'adore cuisses de grenouille
'adore escargots
'adore niggers
'adore arabes
'adore le petit ami de ma femme
'adore juifs
Sweden should have finished the job.
Which one, the hand or the blow?
Buy you're supposed to hunt harmful wildlife
Op is a swede
Finland and France are allies and brothers
dont you have an africa to be in?
based and redpilled
cringe, stop trying to generate hostility between us
>too numerous
we're living in the times where we have our lowest population compared to our neighbours, you're centuries late bud
would you be in charge fnbland ? good luck lmao
no were not fuck off snow chink
this, Finland is our BROTHER
Finland and France consumate every night.
We're best bro (no homo).
Canada did for around 100 years
alright that's enough Jow Forums for today
how could you know with that yellow hands.