Attached: ICON-ICX-KyberNetwork-KNC.jpg (1400x789, 148K)

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Closed source project run on a server somewhere in korea.
Token swap by eoy, we promise!

This ducking shitcoin ruined me. 100% down. Just gonn fucking sell it. I know it will pump the moment i sell fuckfuckfuckkkkkkkk

it's gonna be worth $1 soon, buy more goy muh dollar average

There were hundreds of people on here telling you this was a scam months ago. Its been the worst performing coin on Binance since February for a reason.

It's less of a scam than 99% of the stuff on coinmarketcap.

Attached: you.gif (480x336, 1.45M)

wtf somebody actually bought this piece of shit? jesus fucking christ does nobody read the whitepapers anymore?

Shit, so it's one of the 25 legit projects then?

its more legit than 95% of the coins on CMC. get a grip, they are doing lots of things behind the scenes.

>insider here

>twitter told me so

This has some pretty good info

ill buy 100k usd worth of icx if it drop under 1,50

$15 by July

Imagine thinking something will make decent gains in the longest bear run in over a year, and critiquing one when literally the whole market is shitting the bed.
Wew, couldn’t be me.

ICX is a good project but it's just bleeding like a motherfucker. The future is good for it, hop out now though until shit starts moving in the opposite direction. I took my profits and ran, i'll be back though.

Attached: nuked and gooked.png (723x482, 444K)

I sold some already, but I don't want to sell it all because I have a bad habit of forgetting to buy back.

Bro, don't be scared. The minute you start being fearless is the minute you will start to make $$. It's clear this is going down down down. Even last night, I had to tell myself to cut my icon off, and I'm already up. Once you cut the losers off you feel so much better too and you'll be talking to yourself like 'damn why was i so fuckin attached to that...i should have sold way earlier'. This is a mental game and the only way to make it is to gain complete control over your emotions.

Been holding since December. Even got an icon shirt. If market pumps and this goes to $4 I’m selling. Fuck this gook coin. Could have made so much more on EOS. But these faggots delayed everything will EOS mooned


I'm still comfy. So I actually don't care.
I'm waiting for it to get to 2.5k sats and buying more.
You should sell