
Attached: AWHAHTRE.jpg (606x784, 62K)

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ash hadu an la ilaha ila Allah

you're a muslim now, congrats

Can't get more epic than that

Out of curiosity did the chinese make or install it?

Bravo Italia!
Also love the angry Russian.

this isn't about china

I am aware its Rome but China has a history of death trap escalators.

Italians also make lots of crappy products and constructions, technically they don't need the chinese for that

wa ash hadu anna mohamedun rasul allah

italy is not known for infrastructure discipline, train disaster and ship overturn has not implicated china before

+1 confirm:

someone spilled their spaghetti

its always russians rushing why is it never chinese or germans?

inside the escalator engine??

>1 person had his feet amputated on site
jesus christ imagine taking an Italian escalator and ending up without feet.

I mean drunk Russian hooligans were jumping on it, I don't think it was under normal operating conditions

Because it was mainly Russian fans for the CL game that got maimed

Attached: рим.jpg (659x883, 86K)

Attached: рим2.jpg (1020x649, 166K)

>normal operating conditions
These things are supposed to be designed in such a manner they can support more people than you can ever fit on them.
When you design a roof, you don't look at the maximum snowfall but instead you look at 10 times the maximum snowfall. Same applies to escalators and even elevators which can carry many times more than what they are rated at.

russians proving how retarded they are once again

Ahhhh that explains the Russian origin of the video.

People usually don't jump up and down on operating escalators

LMAO this shit is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries.

WTF Italy?!

>this isn't about china
lol take it easy Zhang

But why are russian escalators never breaks like that
Viva l'Italia!

Once again that's not an excuse. If an escalator fails it's nobody's fault but the idiot that made it.

It was prolly a russian so nothing of value was lost

Do you even have escalators at metro stations near sports stadiums that all leave at the same time while jumping on the escalator?


>thread about bashing Italy
>toothpaste flag

Every single time

Is this more evidence of Russophobia in the west?

>point out that an elevator and any machine in the public space transporting humans has to be completely fool and fail proof

lol yeah
fans are fags and do many stupid things

at least it wasn't a dam causing a mountain to fall apart and cascade into a local large body of water or anything

Obviously. Way more complicated and longer ones than in shitaly

thats some final destination shit baka


Imported an Indian design?

probably a muslim living in holland

More Muslims in Italy these days.

Attached: Italy.png (732x826, 146K)

heh... nothin personel kid

Attached: 1540325364951.jpg (640x346, 48K)


>countries with direct routes of immigration grant more citizenships
Wow I wonder why

b-but the russian qts...

Attached: images.jpg (1000x660, 196K)

Is that blood or wine

it seems this can happen to overloaded or stressed escalators, here's a mob causing one to fail in sweden youtube.com/watch?v=-OplqroSsWU

mamma mia itssa another isonzo!


Ha, yes, it must be EU fault.

> 1 (one) escalator failing
>omg italia literally 3rd world guise

Attached: 1519014847666.jpg (800x951, 167K)

wtf i thought white swedes were civilized, why are they acting like a bunch of niggers?


30% of Holland is literally Muslim
Barely 5% in Italy

30 пocтpaдaли
7 из них в тяжeлoм cocтoянии
5 в cocтoянии cpeднeй тяжecти
18 пoлyчили лeгкиe пoвpeждeния.

>too lazy to walk stairs

what's wrong with people

It's a failing nation.

what a shitty escalator

Attached: то-па-в-метро-санкт-петербурга-в-не-побе-ы-54815459.jpg (1300x958, 166K)

>30% of Holland is literally Muslim
Did Jow Forums told (You) that?

Attached: 6575875667.jpg (624x517, 55K)

why do russians love their metros so much?

Okay, usually fine
>Indians, Pakistanis
Debatable, but again usually alright if they're not all in a ghetto
Fucking damn it

Just a fact
Entire cities are majority Muslim

were they jumping on the genoa bridge before it collapsed as well?

Yeah, that's literally nothing. It's not like a bridge collapse or something.

*jumps to the center* heh nothin personnel escalator

Are these the famous American facts?

because it's DEEP and COOL
i need about 3 mins to go down

Attached: автово.jpg (1002x669, 398K)

Very funny

Attached: 1432k1.gif (356x415, 11K)

i'm here all night

Attached: 1539033744528.jpg (450x430, 44K)

Italy is 90% Italian
Holland will be a Islamic caliphate by 2040

>30% of Holland is literally Muslim

Piss off back to Jow Forums, you fucking subhumans. Italy is infamous for industry corruption harming infrastructure projects.

Im Talking about the youth
Dutch youth is 30%+ Muslim
Netherlands right now is 7% Muslim and will be 12% Muslim by 2050 in a medium immigration scenario

>Dutch youth is 30%+ Muslim
You can stop now with this fucking bullshit.

Ruslels blown the fuck out

Its true
Belgium and the Netherlands combined have almost 30% Muslim population
Nowhere is the Muslim invasion of Europe more prevalent than the low countries


if russian tourists slam the doors of their hotel really strongly are they going to collapse it?

anyone notice the mad lad filming as he plummets down the escalator

nah it's poor maintenance, these things are supposed to operate at max load without breaking down.

>t. chink

None of them are alright when they're contributing to our replacement.

die dikzak is aan het azen oetz

Do you have that vid where that kids mom gets eaten by one?

t. Chang

>Italian infrastructure

I guess you could say... that it escalated quickly

this is what happens when you deny your arab roots. if a proud sicilian designed that elevator nothing would have happened.


the new Planet Coaster looks great!

>scumbag soccer fans destroying property fell victims of their own stupidity
not only are they russians, they are also soccer fans. what do you expect. it is a darwin award nomination right there.

Where was that damn plumber and his brother?



superior Russian escalator


wtf, how can you behave like that having a first world education?

So the go to pol poster is a chinese insect huehue

why did you build your metro so deep?

Swedes aren’t know for the rational decisions when they come together as a group

the metro also kinda served as a bomb shelter, just in case