Why do Russians and eastern euros in general complain about “western degeneracy”? I get when Muslims do it...

Why do Russians and eastern euros in general complain about “western degeneracy”? I get when Muslims do it, but Russians have some of the highest STD and alcoholism rates in the the world, not just Europe. They’re clearly just as, if not more, degenerate. Are Eastern Europeans honorary westerners now?

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hello hohol mutt


>some of the highest STD and alcoholism rates in the the world
Because by degeneracy people usually mean the absurd lengths the Overton window has been pushed in Western society in regards to the ACCEPTABILITY of such degeneracy and even worse kinds of degeneracy like homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism, gender fluidity and generally the breakdown of all social norms.

Because they are trying to cope with the fact that they are shitholes compared to western countries

Have you ever heard an opinion of real russian that wasnt served to you through your corporate media? 4chins doesnt count

>degeneracy is less acceptable, yet more rampant in Russia

But during the World Cup Russian people (women) were being overtly sexual. Yeah they weren’t advocating for gender fluidity or whatever, but still, it’s how you act that defines you.
Whenever I watch reports on Russia about pussy riot or gays they say that they’re more conservative and not degenerate, but they don’t live non-degenerate lifestyles.

But those things are all good

>, yet more rampant
It isn't. There's a difference between degeneracy and social problems.

yeah sorry but we still have 0 transgender bathrooms and 0 muslim rape gangs operating at large, not even in our big cities

we have military parades, you have gay parades

>post deleted instantly

What the hell, i didn't even write anything offensive, i just wrote the truth. When Bolsonaro take office January first you better start accepting my posts bro, things will change. It's the beginning of a new era.

But the lives you lead are still degenerate. Example, you drink more alcohol than westerners and almost double some nords.

Attached: 4C03EE0C-D181-4ADB-9F2A-C0A6A9B0F1C6.jpg (1300x1300, 357K)

Mohammed please

>zero beheadings
>zero acid attacks
>zero religious violence
>zero racial violence
>zero pedo problems
>zero professional welfare class
>zero diabetes
>zero police no go zones
>zero racial quotas
>zero licences required to watch tv
>cant lose a job for political opinions
>zero sexual deviancy quotas
>zero religious quotas

hurr durrr eastern europe is the same as usa and w.eu durr durr hurrr

Attached: GloriousModernRussia.jpg (640x968, 235K)

>zero beheadings
Just like the west (not including Mexico or Brazil or Latin America)
>zero acid attacks
Just like the west (except for Britain)
>zero religious violence
Not true
>zero racial violence
Not true
>zero pedo problems
Your age of consent is low af, lmao
>zero pro welfare
Idk about this, but maybe
>zero diabetes
Not true
>zero no-go zones
Just like the west
>zero racial quotas
Ok, touché
>zero licenses for tv
This is just a meme about the uk, but ok
>can’t lose job for political opinions
Same here, it’s against the law
>zero sexual deviancy quotas
>zero religious quotas
Same here it’s against the law to take religion into consideration.
My point is sexual, alcoholic, drug degeneracy
Proving my point, fool. You are like us westerners, degenerates, and you hate Muhammads for not being degenerate.

It's useless bro, you can't criticize Russia in this board. But the world knows the truth, it's only Russians who can't see it.

>Whenever I watch reports on Russia about pussy riot or gays they say that they’re more conservative and not degenerate, but they don’t live non-degenerate lifestyles

So you didnt. Theres you go


You are the epitome of this
>produces possibly the most porn and pornstars per capita in the world
>wtf why are westerners so degenerate?!
Slav/Russian mod got triggered I guess

>zero beheadings just like the west
just like when those muslims in france beheaded a priest eh?
>zero police no go zones just like in the west
what is malmo in sweden, what is half of britistan, what are paris ghetto areas, what are chicago and detroit nigger ghettos?????
>being jealous of eastern european ethnic and religious and cultural homogeneity with few minor regional exceptions

im already bored debunking your post but essentially we dont have nigger presidents nor muslim capital city mayors and you are jealous
>but you are poor, my 90s propaganda told me so!
name one thing you can afford and i cant: pro tip you cant

like half of those are wrong or misrepresented. For example US ranks above Russia in opiate abuse, and we don't have the highest number of orphans. Most of them are social problems.
Here’s the list of the countries with the highest wealth inequality, according to the Allianz report.

U.S.A. — 80.56
Sweden — 79.90
U.K. — 75.72
Indonesia — 73.61
Austria — 73.59
Germany — 73.34
Colombia — 73.18
Chile — 73.17
Brazil — 72.86
Mexico — 70.00
here's pornstars per capita

Attached: avc7ml4aknpz.png (960x478, 191K)

Have you ever considered the possibility that real life isnt Jow Forums thread?

Russians are ok with their women being promiscuous, they just got butthurt because Russian women were spreading their legs even to 150cm tall Peruvians.

They have a shortage of young girls, so it was a blow to the self-esteem of Russians who can't get girls.

Attached: Russian_population_sex_by_age_(demographic_pyramid)_as_on_jan_01,_2018.png (1544x1021, 64K)

literally no one cared, and vardly any of the fans that came got laid. most people avoided their crowds except for taking pictures. it was basically a sausage fest

Pornstars per capita:See, I was right.

>Why do Russians and eastern euros in general complain about “western degeneracy”?

Never seen that, but indeed they can't.
The goatfuckers can't neither.

They're still way less degenerate than you, all facts considered.

Ignore that retard

Attached: crazy proxyhohol.jpg (1280x914, 165K)

>Czech, Hungary and Latvia are all higher than west
Lol literally proving yourself wrong.

I don't know, but over 1000 Peruvians went back home with Russian wives.

It's a new era.

Attached: bolsonaro.jpg (1200x967, 126K)

By what metrics?
We just have a bunch of extreme liberals and feminists. Other than that they’re just as degenerate as western countries like America and Switzerland.

>but over 1000 Peruvians went back home with Russian wives.
obviously bullshit.
what? also you're only taking one metric. nobody in their right mind would argue with the fact that eastern europe is far less degenerate than the west. and it's only going to get worse.


Attached: russianwife15.jpg (900x1125, 90K)

Pet monkey mad!

Face it Vatnik, your country and region are a depressing shithole and a joke that is by all objective measures inferior to the west.

Because they only inherited it from American influence.

>another Russian vassal defends the first
Good boy

You can’t rape the willing. They chose this path.

Don't know about thay but somebody is doing the raping.
And it's not you.

So degenerate aids ridden alcholic hating the mentally ill...give it time ull be worse then the west.
No wonder chechnians take ur women

>give it time ull be worse then the west.
By the time we're worse than the west you will no longer exist.
>No wonder chechnians take ur women
Lol. Mountain niggers never fuck outside their family.

>Lol. Mountain niggers never fuck outside their family.
I saw a mountain nigger fuck an Irishman a couple of weeks ago.

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At least they're good cannon fodder

Since 1991 Russia is worse than the west morality wise. Russians were the first to produce homosexual military porn, the first to produce fake incest porn, the first to produce fake acted rape porn and other things which i will not even talk about.