How do Americans and Russians feel about each other?

How do Americans and Russians feel about each other?

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Warmongering sociopaths, confident in their exclusivity

I don't really feel

I pity the Russians.

Sad that they're so stupid and couldn't share power. We'd absolutely 100% master the world if they did.

I think they are fine.

>share power
Russians and the US had two completely different ideologies

not to mention there's not much of a dynamic to russian "power" even a regional power is too grand a moniker to describe the state of that state. Putin isolates it, and its people by the day, and it's quite sad.

The whole world knows who's the boss.

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Aren't smart, but thinking that they know everything and result of this is a hotbed of degeneracy.

They are both great nations. Too bad that Democrats tell lies about them. SAD!

What will become of Russia after Putin?

Nothing. I bet he already got protege which will take the throne after him.

please don't start a nuclear war.

>who else but Putin?
I often hear from Russians.
Why are Russians so NPC they can't think anyone else leading the country than Putin? It has like 150 million people. Surely there's others

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Why do you even compare?

Putin don't rule the country for some time already, and he don't define foreign policy either. For like 10 years already.

Warmongering???? Oh thats rich coming from a goddamn ruski. Go fuck your mother.

t. Hungarian having been fed up with Russians fo the past four hundred years

Americans are basically Russians with more money.

>please don't start a nuclear war

relax we won't nuke you
can't say the same about sp*In

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Putin is a necessary evil after 90's fuck up

This is his last term anyway

Soulless snakes hellbent on destroying everything good. The people are natural slaves, the leaders are morally bankrupt oligarchs

Is there anything serious opposition in Russia? As far as I know commie and Zhirikovsky are with Putin's party and Navalny is just a meme

>beholden to term limits

he's king in everything but name.
to paraphrase Julius, "Non sum rex sed Tzar"

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Because any grassroot initiative is either suppressed or highjacked. Government official prefer corrupt dumbasses as their immidiate subordinates because they are easy to control. They in turn pick those who are even dumber and more corrupt as their lackeys. As a result, nothing changes.

More likely there'd be half a dozen wannabes who'll backstab and arrest each other in a few months after Putin's death. The sole survivor will become the next leader.

As I said, it applies to both countries.

serious question ruskibros:
why dont you guys join the EU and NATO instead of fighting us? its doesnt make sense. we would be way stronger together than we would fighting against each other.
and you would be richer too.

i just dont understand it.
i would like to be friends.
but apparently you guys dont want to be.
so instead we are enemies.
what a waste.

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>Is there anything serious opposition in Russia?
>As far as I know commie and Zhirikovsky are with Putin's party
>Navalny is just a meme
well he's not a meme I mean he's pretty famous figure and he's not a Kremlin puppet

anyway, here is one of the future Russian president
Putin loves young smart technocrats with glasss and he want someone of them to become new russian president
look at these cuties

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maybe they know something we don't

forgot to mention, my barber is russian and used to live in moscow.
hes a ok bro.
and he likes freedom
and hates communism
i dont get it.
be our friends russia
it will be good fro both of us

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>why dont you guys join the NATO

LMAO they tried but USA REFUSED so they could keep going on with a fake cold war

I think it's both funny how liberals say that Trump is Stalin and Hitler at the same time, lol
Because Russia is still da commie, get it?
But I'm just a Russian bot beep beep boop boop

What about ethnic republics like Tatarstan? They're rather well off and I would think they should have some of their own shit going. Local parties etc. Not allign with Putin's party so much

Looks jewish/5

bottom left looks ready to push the button

I don’t really care. I think the back and forth stuff is stupid. Yeah, I get we can’t be true friends because of socialism vs capitalism, and bothing wanting to be the top global power house and all.. I get it. But it’s still dumb

yes, they're jewish and that's a good thing

But Russia isn't really socialist these days, they are a kleptocracy now

Russian can't ever rule themselves? Has there ever been fully slavic ruler in your history?

> anything serious opposition in Russia
They are already dead. Some were killed in first world countries capitals. One was killed just a day before testifying about Putin's shady business. Yup, a guy that was under CIA protection got rekt and they kept quiet about it.

> commie and Zhirikovsky are with Putin's party

> Navalny is just a meme

They get gibs from Moscow and therefore are pro-Putin for now.

>slavic ruler
Ivan the Terrible (half lithuanian but who cares lmao)

That's all

Yeltsin was part ethnich and Putin seems like a full blown textbook baltic-finn. Doesn't look anything like a slav

>What will become of Russia after Putin?
He ready to drag the whole country after himself into he...

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Rurikids were Scandinavians.
Godunovs were Mongols.
Romanovs had Prussian descent before Catherine the Great. Afterwards still Prussians, but different lineage.
Stalin's s Georgian.
Never cared much about others enough to look for their lineage.

Will there be another chechen war?

>Yeltsin was part ethnich
Proofs?? :DD
>Putin seems like a full blown textbook baltic-finn
well his ancestors came from Tver oblast AFAIK

I thought Russia was an oligarchy right now with Putin just being a figure head. Is that true? Who are the oligarchs?

>Proofs?? :DD
Uralic mutt like most people are from those regions and further to east. Siberian russians look different than european russians. Be it that they identify as ethnic russians. That's why a lot of "russians" looks so distinct compared to other slavs

Uralic, turkic slav mutts I mean

Russians as as much mutts as we are. Good luck finding a pureblood.

t. Mongol rapebaby American

Russians here on/int/ are fine and the ones living here are fine but they obviously have a lot of bydlos in their country that probably suck and their diaspora here is garbage. I guess I'm neutral on Russians.

It could be in Chechnya, Ukraine, Livia, elsewhere. When Putin's ratings drops, he starts a terror.

It's not. The oligarchs are just one of the factions vying for his attention, and he has to appease them from time from time, especially the ones in the inner circle, his friends.

That's not why their is degeneracy. We have a soft spot for the mentally I'll so instead of telling them to stop acting like a degenerate we just try to ignore them.

>Who are the oligarchs?
Putin's fellow jews in charge.

>More likely there'd be half a dozen wannabes who'll backstab and arrest each other in a few months after Putin's death. The sole survivor will become the next leader.
Yeah I'm imagining something like af6er Lenin or Stalin died.

>why dont you guys join the EU and NATO
Yeah, why

>Tatarstan gets gebs from Moscow
Check your mental health

Process of disintegration ends
Siberia goes to China
USSR generations dying out
A chance for Russia to become normal country appears

> after Lenin died
Not like that. Before him the position of General Secretary was considered to be low prestige among the communist higher ups. However it allowed to promote people you favour to influentual positions... which was exactly what Stalin was doing. When Lenin died most of the party already were Stalin's yes-men, so he faced little opposition besides Trotsky.
As for Stalin's death, however, it is correct. One if his sayings was "No such thing as irreplacable man", and he lived up to it not allowing anyone else to become actually prominent.

Damn, how did you managed to live that long?

Moscow is economically too irrelevant and small and will start to shrink when your hydrocarbon resources loose their value (to get extracted) Even today it's barely profitable.
You guys should be more scared about China than gayrope

taking in consideration they both wears their respective pants it seems that poor little Putin hides behind impenetrable wall of Trump who is receiving fierceful strikes yet covers abovementioned little Putin with his body

>Siberian russians look different than european russians
>a lot of "russians" looks so distinct compared to other slavs
Russians doesn't look any "distinct" compared to Poles, for example.

Well it's all subjective, but those further in Siberia looks different, and nothing wrong with that imo.
I it's some Ukrainian nazis who claim otherwise
If you live along side with other group of people there will be mixing.

We are not natural slaves, we revolt at the drop of a dime. You guys take it up the ass sans lube for what, like 200 years now

i think all leaders are corrupot, but theres not even the illusion of equity in Russia. its just blatant fuckyouism

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No opinion, really. I'm sure they're glad o be left alone to live as they see fit, like we do. Its the governments that try to get everyone fired up about differences.

If the founding father were alive today they would have revolted like 50 years ago with how bad the government has gotten. Americans don't just take it up the ass, we're so juiced up on consumerism we don't even care so long as muh taxes are cheap and muh benefits go through.

Then why are you countering our actions all over the world, especially in Syria, Ukraine and Alaska? It's our land, admit it.

Americans are #1 and Russians are the #2

> like 200 years now
Akchually around 1000 or so.

> we revolt at the drop of a dime
The last time I checked Americans only revolt only when McDonald's order takes more than 5 minutes to make. Last significant change was in 1963. Biggest latest movements, Occupy and Women's March did exactly jackshit except for littering and blocking traffic.

> t. m*scovite scum

>the past four hundred years

Are you sure you are not Romanian?

>Alaska? It's our land, admit it.
Christ you people are nig-nogs. You cant sell land over 150 years ago (even if it was to keep the Brits from just taking it) and pretend that it's yours. More people speak spanish there than Russian.

>why dont you guys join the EU and NATO
this is because all your governments in the west need an enemy in the east in order to raise the defense budget and justify the existence of NATO. Putin was pro-Western at beginning of his rule and he wanted to join the EU and NATO, then Georgia happened. I have nothing against ordinary Americans, but your nationalist politicians like McCain and liberal european crybabies are the worst people in my opinion

>A chance for Russia to become normal country appears

It would appear only if someone genocide all r*ssians and re-populate Russia with normal people.

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Can't link because phoneposting, but on K8 autosomal, the samples west on the border to Belarus/Ukraine (Smolensk, Voronezh, Kursk) etc scored almost 0% Mongoloid, while it's up to 10% in places like Arkhangelsk. Of course only considering Slavic-identifying ones, not among minorities who have separate data
So the former probably pass in Poland, latter not so much

We have nothing in common with you, moscowmutt. We are white and aryan while you're shitskin turkoid and cunt-eyed uraloid rapebabies.

t. siberian

cry more churka

gr8 b8 m8

> b8
Delusional cunt

> live with Asians for centuries
> I'm huwhite and aryan!

Why the fuck did they have to here? I still remember those days traffic being fucked up

Whiter than you, ivan.

Fuck off bitch, we are all eurasians not matter muscovite or sibearian, this is our identity and pride. And siberia should be always under moscow rule.

t. siberian

> eurasians
Dugin`s boy, little communist bitch, how dare you call yourself a human?

>And siberia should be always under moscow rule.
Don't get it slip to China. I think that's what you should be more worried about. Not the west.

I see the west is really salty because of us increasing ties with China.

Don't forget the riots when coca cola tried to change recipe.

Ideology doesn't exist in geopolitics. It's all power, and this rivalry is a wasted opportunity.

We get probably more Chinese investments when compared to economy than Russia, but we know it doesn't come no strings attached.
Since we have no land border with them where they invest.

And stop seeing west and russia as black and white like that.
Finland has a lot of investments in Russia and vice versa. Both countries benefits.

>little communist bitch
Little communist bitches were your illiterate grandparents who contributed to overthrow legitimate government, no wonder their offspring has become libshit

>US and Russia team up to destroy China
>then split the world 50/50 and enslave everyone else under threat of nuclear annihilation
Name one reason we shouldn't do this. No one would be able to stop us and we'd both enjoy unprecedented prosperity.

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Short heda
They savages
Culture of kill

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There was also with the journal called Farmer's Almanac. When the type of paper it was printed on changed, faithful readers were enraged.
You see, the journal had a lot of pages and was printed on soft absorbing paper. After the change paper became no longer useful for wiping shit off your butt which nullified the journal's chief property.
Not a joke, actually. Can't make it up.

> libshit
Fix your detector, soviet dirt

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>US and Russia team up

already tried it, ended in cold war that hasn't really ended

>he's not a meme
>he's pretty famous
axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaxaxaxa! good one!