Central American Caravan

In case you were able to help the migrants caravan in Mexico, would you help them or deny support?

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I would help them and we'll destroy los estados unidos to the rythm of mariachi music.

Based ruski

why the fuck nobody has killed them yet

I'd welcome them to France if they agree to be sterilized and separated into different locations

unfortunately AMLO is more a president for Honduras than for Mexico

Dear french collegue , I am afraid we will be facing issues as your country with the syrians refugees

Syrian refugees have not caused trouble in France you're thinking of Germany

deny support right at the border and close the border too, fuck everything south of us

help them to reach usa

send more

They probably feel at home

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I'd mine the southern border and put up a sign informing them that we're full

All these people do is come here to work and abuse use remittances to make their families rich in their own lands. I don't care that a bunch of people are fleeing from their oppressive demsoc government, we can't just let millions of people like this into our border.

But the Venezuelan diaspora with shaolin angelina? hahaha these Yankees ... as they like to eat shit from the Jewish media, now they have a refugee caravan going through their anus, while they are distracted by slandering venezuela.

Don't they realize that once they get to the US they'll just get put into concentration camps? This shit ain't Europe, the US is always looking for an excuse to kill innocent civilians.

They're hoping that they can get across the border and then scatter into the countryside. It's actually really hard to find people here, especially since there's a substantial Honduran community here that they can shelter with.

I wish there was a solid concrete tall wall with machine guns on top of it. So when this mass of people come close the soldiers on the wall will start fire creating amazing video that would be hit in the internet.

Go back to >

i would help them to get into the usa.

Refresh my memory, what happened to the first caravan, from a few months ago?

mexicops broke them up and they scattered iirc

A plague of locusts.too bad they chose not to fix their own countries. Now we will hear how the USA owes the world a living wage, and how macho the Hispanic males are.


>In case you were able to help
I can't, tho, because I'm poor

I might give them food or spare blankets--definitely not money, though, unless I knew my funds were going to an organization or individual that'd disburse them productively.

I'd give them at least temporary lodging as refugees.

tbqh most of them would probably just be working low-skill or vocational jobs and would rarely interact with people like you.

>the migrants are a th-th-threat to m-muh culture!
>pic related

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It's easy to stop them. Trump could issue an executive order. No free gibs for new arrivals for 5 years. You would see them turn around the same day.

Attached: gibs-me-dats-for-free-karl-marx-32431980.png (500x690, 80K)

>killing people would be the right decision
>AMLO is president
lol motherfucker are you retarded

I wouldn't help them because they're brown.

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I imagine he is one of those faggots who complain about "muh sovereignty" while wanting to do everything the US orders us to do while pointing a gun to our heads, without any benefits for us, and spending our money to act as lap/guard dogs for Americans doing their dirty work for free, not for us since it's literally not our problem.

So do Mexicans really believe anything will be different under Lopez Obrador?

Not that much different but it's a beginning.

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Se me hace que es buena gente. Suerte cabrones

SU-34 a cute

I would help them in terms of food, water or one night stay but also report them

I do give spare change to central americans beggin for money un street lights, so i Guess ive already help some getting to the US