>roomate supects i fucked his wife
im too scared to sleep bros
Roomate supects i fucked his wife
Say your gay. haha
did you, cunt?
suck his penis too so you can have ménage à trois
>obviously just one time only when you're sucking his peepee to convince him you're not a threat.
Why does your roommate have a wife? Do you rent a room from them?
only had a few drinks with her, the others in the house starded joking about it and he probably overheard
Tell him that sharing is caring
I do not think that affair is done by himself/herself. Your roomate's whorish wife is also very wrong.
tell him your not jalous
Pretty confused about this myself
don't worry i am sure sharia court will take upwards of a week to conclude before your inevitable stoning, omar.
It’s because we are Americans. It sounds strange to us because outside of New York it’s very rare. His living arrangement is more common in Europe.
To the Europeans out there: a married couple having a roommate is alien to us.
yea I don't get it either. sharing a house with a married couple is weird as fuck.
então tens a verdade do teu lado.
the house has 3 rooms, one room has a girl there, 2 girls in the other one (his wife is there) and 4 guys in the last one (me plus the other guy). Honestly he shoudve known some one would try to approach her
I actually lived with my friend and his fiancée for a while. It's not that unusual.
The mind-set of Europeans is an enormous confusion and irritation for me as a South Korean. Is this the reason why the ratio of newborns whose father is unknown in France is close to 50%?
I live in NYC, it's not common here. I would never live with a couple.
He doesn't share a room with his wife? What form of autism is this?
Are you perhaps an Angolan migrant living in some tenement near a construction site?
>Is this the reason why the ratio of newborns whose father is unknown in France is close to 50%?
Why do gook monkeys take information from Jow Forums seriously?
same, although is OP lives in Lisbon itself maybe he doesn't have a choice, because the housing market is saturated and prices are insane.
then again I'm kinda anti-social and OP probably isn't. can't imagine a life without privacy.
favela monkey
just a student that came from the south cuz college, financial situation is rather similar to that of an immigrant from angola tho
But it's true, Baguette.
Come up with a serious source then come back, in the meantime you’re a retarded faggot
No offense intended mutt
Cringe anime faggot
You're on Jow Forums you absolute newfag. What do you expect?