BALANARO 17 BOLSOBALA --- Você é a favor ou contra ele?
BALANARO 17 BOLSOBALA --- Você é a favor ou contra ele?
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he's just another clown in the show.
even if you are full right and hate commies and love guns and hate niggers and all the fad, just looking who's siding him you can tell that he's just a parody of a right wing leader and party, and if i had a right wing ideology i would feel embarrased to admit i voted for him.
he's only where he is now because no better right wing leader emerged. he's "carisma" is fake as fuck, motored by the phony evangelist religious fanatics and a military party that fell under the spell of a globalist, super pro usa and pro neoliberal agenda (not conspiracy, it's just the way they are).
i really dont think he will be able or even willing to do a third of what he's ranting about in he's clownish campaign, but for sure he's going to make society even more fractured and full of violence.
that said, there are other aspect why he is seen as a leader o lifesaver:
1. the failing of the left to provide a real answer to real brazil's problems and the corruption that mined the lefty government. and most of what i said of bolsonaro as a fail it can be said about lula.
2. the failing of the capitalist system to provide a real free market system and the corruption that mined the late neoliberal government.
best of lucks, brazil. i like your people and country a lot, but hard times are coming for you, and beeing as big as you are, your fall will bring all the region down with you.
>same IP
Why are you samefagging instead of just posting your garbage in the OP?
Because other people said that text, and I reposted.
It's an hilariously wrong and superficial view on hue politics and history.
Miss me with that commie shit.
no, bro.
>Miss me with that commie shit.
q? also parem de falar inglês ruim, os gringos não ligam pra nós
We're fucked regardless of who wins. It's like people have forgotten that Bolsonaro is just the next messiah god-king savior that Brazilians vote for like said. Look at how Brazil voted for Lula by states during the 2000s or FHC during the 90s. The nearly had a unanimous majority. And that's the problem with this country, we vote for saviors and not people who will administer the country well.
My fucking sides, this commie is ultimate autist. I think he will kill himself after day 28
>cursinho downie trying to educate others
gringo nenhum lê nossos posts em inglês
just to show what I mean
>a complete 180 on all terrible government policies and with an extremely apt ministry team, particularly a well educated and orthodox economic team
>h-he's exactly the same as Lula guys!!!
Isentōes somehow manage to be dumber than petistas.
Eu não aguento mais esses comunistas, chega logo dia 28.
I never said they were similar. I said they were both messiah trends for the populace. Reading comprehension.
pra você todo mundo é inimigo e só tu é o bonzão. vou masturbar pra desenho que eu ganho mais
>15 replies
>6 UI
Great thread
That shows the best percentage a candidate ever got was 61% which is far from unanimous, do you even understand how percentages work?
>não aguenta discussão
>num fórum de discussões
O reddit é mais a sua cara.
How is Bolso a messiah when his policies and team are actually very solid for what they are?
PT was the only irrational vote in this election, every single other candidate had half-decent proposals for fixing the country, PT still vehemently denies that they ever did anything wrong which is extremely dangerous for a government.
I should add Boulos and maybe Ciro as the other irrational candidates, who are nothing but PT orbiters anyway.
Germany 1-2 South Korea
Jair “I wouldn’t rape you because you don’t deserve it” Chadsonaro
Se o Ciro ganhasse agente tava fodido, são mais de 60 milhões de inadimplentes no SPC SERASA que queria perdoar. Kek. A Esquerda só fez bosta essa eleição.
Vai Tomar No Cu Porra!!!!!!
E nós não gostamos dos gringos!!!!!!!
jair MESSIAS bolsonaro
dessa vez é realmente o messias!
Jair MEU MACHO Bolsonaro
Porque se alguém falar mal do meu macho na internet eu corro lá defender feito uma piranha.
Piranha é a sua mãe
Se acalma, princesa.
eu gosto dele, mas aquele video a dizer que ia meter o haddad na prisão foi longe demais. está calado e desfruta da vitória jairzão.