How do I become Korean?

How do I become Korean?

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Other urls found in this thread:

do plastic surgery, you'll become honorary korean

Gain some bad karma during this life.

become a prostitute and tell everyone that you are japanese

just drink a lot of soju and make friends with korean people they'll call you out to korean bars all the time and youll learn a lot of korean on the way

only Korean makes these silly thread.

t. weaboos

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Japan raped Korea.
Weaboos rape Koreaboos

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Apply for citizenship

Germany raped Russia

USA rape Russia now

eat dog

>Germany raped Russia
>Hitler killed himself to not be captured by russians

바보입니까? 학교에 좀 가고 역사를 공부하십시오!

But we did liberate them up to Berlin. Korean forces had never been to Tokyo.


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How easy is it to get good paying IT job in Korea?

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>good paying IT job
You need to look else where cuz IT jobs in Korea don't give you a big paycheck and want you to stay at work for 12+ hours a day.
If you're really skilled however things could be different.


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ur already legit korean

Attached: Gook in UK.png (758x2257, 760K)


Six with korean and make baby

Have someone smash you in the face with a shovel.

>a "Korean" who loves China
>believing that

I have a bridge to sell you, Bukkake-kun.