Life's kinda pointless, ain't it?

life's kinda pointless, ain't it?

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Yeah, but there's no point in resisting it either

the need to have "meaning" is a spook

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i enjoy being alive but i certainly never enjoy living


Gooks are cringe they try too hard to smile and be beautiful but they cant

It is but whatever, or you accept it or you do something about it and become a hero

it's its own point, really. you don't live because of something else, non-human and over-human. you live because you want to.

>he is literally a system built on involuntarily conjuring of 'meaning' and cannot do or be anything else, as to do so would be to cease existing

imagine having children with an asian girl

what would your children actually even look like?

no, we are just too dumb to figure it out

mine would look qt as hell

I don't think it's a good idea to mix races

they'd look cute

Like Katya Lischina, I think

like russians

dude as long as blackies aren't involved there's nothing wrong with it

Her last name literally means fox?

for Finns it's just going back to square one


Why are they cultural appropriating

It's called capitalist malaise