
lorde edition

Attached: mommylorde.jpg (1080x1349, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:



This ENRAGES the leftoids

Attached: 1455203331395-0.jpg (750x766, 147K)

how do i escape thot gravity

Attached: 36FF67E500000578-3730014-The_former_Prime_Minister_63_was_on_a_yacht_in_Sicily-a-32_1470709283778.jp (470x639, 50K)

wouldn't mind having relations with a few wh*te women desu

Attached: 1540080939713.webm (800x1040, 730K)

all hail Blood God

strongly doubt that's hers

Attached: 1533914141022.jpg (959x960, 231K)

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any want to 'cide but dont want to devastate the parents man in

who the fuck is lorde

bloatmaxx GOD


this chart is quit misleading, it is NOT the most popular porn genre amongst women in each country

it is the genre that is most more popular in that region than the UK average popularity.

me on the left

he narrates 5 pound munch


She reviews fast food on the Internet

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>nottingham forest
alri robin hood where's friar tuck haha


Feel like pure shit just want him back.

Attached: Anton von Werner - Die Proklamation des Deutschen Kaiserreiches, 1885.jpg (1482x1097, 502K)

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emotional choon


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Attached: Some_People_by_MumblingIdiot.jpg (900x5056, 1.46M)

I like the look. Unironically.

Minimalist. Cold. Pragmatic. Authoritative. Charismatic. Uniform.

Jobs was a cunt of a human being but he's still a very impressive individual, and represented raw power and efficiency. His style of clothes exemplifies that.

Attached: Stevejobs_Macworld2005.jpg (626x1041, 80K)

WTF im a cruz missile now?!!>!>!

Are women lesbians?

Attached: pornhub-insights-women-categories-world.jpg (1000x750, 169K)

err im sorry rorke dont fucking blow me up you terrorist freak

any tune man in


like watching paint dry

Attached: 10410959_658722804234583_5638943997152308965_n.jpg (686x960, 81K)

dont get it

Attached: download.png (225x225, 5K)

Sorry ted-chan, I already voted for Beto


Oh wow a salesman with a black turtleneck I am impressed.

god this is meaningless shit with a superficial comprehension of how people believe and evolve


business idea: cute lesbian gf who is straight only for me

>In 1923, the Supreme Court decided in United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind that people of Indian descent were not white men, and thus not eligible to citizenship.

Attached: Indian-student-motel-job.jpg (600x510, 130K)

youtube.com/watch?v=nhT_5HaIEFw tune

genuinely don't get it

Attached: 1536417693388.jpg (645x773, 62K)

Business idea:
Azula gf but with submissive tendencies

Attached: 1539831575818.png (870x646, 659K)

I don't think most of you actually understand how over it is.

any japrock man in



women who watch porn are bi or lesbian

more like Supreme Rorke

why not white power wiener
it sounds better yank

I'm well aware, that's why I spend my days drinking

There's no hope, for anything

I'm not a yank I'm from Pennsylvania

Why do cagers complain about traffic and seem to forget THEY ARE traffic??

where in

i'll traffic your fucking skull cunt

shed make you the gf

Absolutely redpilled


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I see no drawbacks whatsoever.

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why the fuck are there so many of us on Jow Forums. It was funny at first, but now it's concerning


Today in the United States:

- Bombs sent to offices of CNN and politicians

- Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 erase gains for the year

- Worst day for NASDAQ since 2011

- Mass shooting in Jeffersontown, Kentucky

>germans are nonces
adds up

is that richard spencer and my mum

tonight its peta jensen

its the turkish diaspora

Spencer is great

she's hot, especially in a bikini, but without makeup.........

hmm yes Pennsylvania

any photography nerds ITT?

What's a good cheap film snapper?

14 and legal

Attached: 1428003405507.webm (500x415, 1.72M)

watching the first series of dads army de leds

near Philadelphia

Does your mum like Australians?

Fucking tune


Still can't believe this actually happened

rap is fucking garbage but suicideboys is alright

webms that make you want to suck dick

i as well

maybe we should fuck

Need a big wank

It's alright to cheat on your spouse if you end up marrying the person you have an affair with

Need a big headshot

yo I'm in bucks county. let's boogie

massive cope

Proud Remainer, NPC, Cuck and Soyboy.
They/Them. Love my Mums.

bring back public breastfeeding
legalise public wanking


It's alright to cheat on a bitch anyway
They like it makes them wet

maybe we can have a /brit/ get together at City Tavern or something

cool. i'm not at home now as i'm stuck in west pa, but sometime

you rang, sir?

Cheaing is only wrong if you get caught

got called a Xtian on /his/

fetch me a glass of water, big jim.
