why do american "white" girls have such thick luscious fucking lips? is it the native american/black admixture?
Why do american "white" girls have such thick luscious fucking lips? is it the native american/black admixture?
It's from sucking black cocks
her lips are hardly thick
they're just average
there are white euros with thick lips
because there's a lot of different kinds people here why is that so hard to understand for non-americans
those lips aren't thicc
chang must think they're big compared to his noodle dick
Looks like a slav with down's
thats the greatest cs player of all time ur talkin bout mister
I don't know but i want to fuck. I want fuck her rough and cum deep inside her American pussy.
unironically this
>slav with downs
Oh u mean a finn?
>what is olof
Looks Finnish.
quintessentially finnish mate
is that the chick from paramore?
Makeup, user.
Hags spend countless hours and countless dollars masking their true appearance to appear attractive to men and superior to other women.
Is that a shemale?
Get the fuck out.
some people are born with nice lips and some are born with no lips at all
Looks like a dude
Isn't that nixelpixel.
Yes Hayley Williams
Thick lips aren't genetic. It's entirely hormonal. Also that girl has thin lips Tbh
Autism is not the same as Down's
Best microhacks you mean
who cares just fap to it
>Sucky sucky 1 cheeseburger
if you need thin fleshy lips then why don't you just kiss and fap to your best mate