They didn't listen

>they didn't listen

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For reference
Critical "Remote Code Execution" Flaw Discovered in Blockchain-Based Decentralized EOS Smart Contract System

According to researchers at Qihoo 360 teams, flaw could allow attackers to compromise all node servers of an EOS network, including Super nodes.

john oliver was right
what are you racist? its 2018


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Look how manipulated this shit is... market isn't even reacting to killing news like that...-6% lmao

For real. It should be down to zero by now

Why this happens to me, my shitfolio is -65%

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big if true

Colossal, if accurate.

its not true. The bug was fixed last month on the 29nth

t. EOS bagholder

I wonder how will Dan Larimeme react

The bugs are true enough to postpone the most over hyped mainnet launch ever, so keep holding those bags user.

If you have such a severe bug it's probably not the only one.

It dropped like $0.4 because of these so called news.

yes because market is completely dominated by normie retards. I have completely lost faith. There will be no golden bull run

Or maybe because the "epic bug" was fixed in few hours by EOS team and everything's back on schedule. People will find bugs till the last minute since there's a 10k bounty on bugs.

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If you don't understand why this is really, really bad, you're dumb, sorry.

Do you believe this is real? Can you explain why this is really bad? I always figured EOS was a scam but would like to learn more.

mfw people don't realize that dan previously released the 2 most advanced and fastest blockchains for their time - steem and bitshares.

mfw people are repeating the fud that people had for steem and bitshares on their release.

mfw eos has the best fundamentals a dapp platform can have and will likely surpass ethereum.

Of course it's real.
Ir allows ARBITRARY CODE EXECUTION, it's the worst kind thing that could have happened.
How could anyone trust EOS ever again?

If you aren't going to bother explaining then you might just call yourself a scammer as well. I can make any kind of statements here regarding ETH or BTC also but if I don't give an explanation, nobody's gonna take me seriously.

>mfw people don't realize that dan previously released the 2 most advanced and fastest blockchains for their time - steem and bitshares.
Larimeme released 2 garbage shitcoins before, true.

>mfw eos has the best fundamentals a dapp platform can have and will likely surpass ethereum.
On-chain Turing completeness is a meme.


Why should I explain something that the 360 security team uncovered? Google it yourself you lazy mongoloid.
It's not my fault you were so dumb to put your money in a Larimeme scam. I'm tired of you newbies thinking you know anything.
I'm glad you lose your money. I lost it all in 2013 but then I learned from my mistakes and made it all back.


Google "arbitrary code execution" ffs
Do you even know what this stuff is?
Do you know what smart contracts are?


also, no dev will ever build shit on EOS willingly. Just fucking wait and see.


I know what it was you silly mongoose. EOS team fixed it in matter of hours. You think other coins don't have any faults? Nigger be serious. This isn't the end of the world.

EOS fud around Jow Forums is just 95% ETH fanboys scared shitless, yeah that's right. I bet you hold over 10 ETH and you have "fundamentals" why you haven't gotten in on EOS.


Are you fucking braindead?

Bitshares was the fastest working blockchain in terms of both scalability and latency in its time by far. It is still probably the most scalable blockchain out atm.

Steem proved super low ( 1.5s ) latency and 0 fees were possible. Both were revolutionary.

These 'shitcoins' are the 2 most used blockchains at the moment lol

bro you're too late. There are hundreds of devs currently building on the eos mainnet.

Who wouldn't want to build on a platform with 0 fees, basically 0 latency and that uses c++. what r u on about??

Holy fuck it's brutal:
>Since the system of the node is completely controlled, the attacker can "do whatever it wants", such as stealing the key of the EOS super node, controlling the virtual currency transaction of the EOS network; acquiring other financial and privacy data in the EOS network participating node system, such as an exchange Digital currency, the user's key stored in the wallet, key user profiles, privacy data, and more.

What's more, the attacker can turn a node in the EOS network into a member of a botnet, launch a cyber attack or become a free "miner" and dig up other digital currencies.

>EOS team fixed it in matter of hours.
How do you know there aren't other critical bugs? Why would anyone trust it now?

>EOS fud around Jow Forums is just 95% ETH fanboys scared shitless, yeah that's right. I bet you hold over 10 ETH and you have "fundamentals" why you haven't gotten in on EOS.
I don't bet in ETH because I don't use ETH, it's a worthless shitcoin, just like EOS.
I'm not an ETH fanboy, I think all on chain Turing complete blockchains are a shitty meme for brainlets.

If you think "speed" is more important than decentralization, you're a brainlet who doesn't understand what blockchain is about.
If you want speed, use a normal database you troglodyte brainlet.

Yeah hehehe let's be randum lulz XDDD penguin of d00m :))

There's always going to be bugs, user, it's all about minimizing them. For fuck's sake basically every single x86 processor in the world had a critical bug that's existed for decades that wasn't discovered until late last year.

Yeah and what happened to Intel's stock price? Literally much higher now even though I don't even think they fixed that shit properly.

Oh well. Some people never want to take any risks. Everybody knows what ETH can do and it's priced in. Nobody knows what EOS is capable of in the end game..

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>most advanced and fastest blockchains for their time - steem and bitshares
The absolute state of Larimer shills

No sympathy for anyone that buys this garbage

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> I wonder how will Dan Larimeme react
By fixing it, a month ago.

> The bugs are true enough to postpone the most over hyped mainnet launch ever, so keep holding those bags user.

Yeah man, if the bug strikes true then all hope is lost for the future. Bugs are permanent just like stupidity.

> If you have such a severe bug it's probably not the only one.

HOLY FUCK!! This means that it could have all kinds of bugs then! OH NOES!!


to go above 29 days on the month of April will destroy the fabric of time!!!


It can only mean one thing. They plan to resurrect Hitler and most of Jow Forums wont really be upset.

>also, no dev will ever build shit on EOS willingly.

They will be forced to do it..... AT GUNPOINT!!!!!!!!!

>How do you know there aren't other critical bugs? Why would anyone trust it now?

I have a T-Rex with spying capabilities who has been watching Dan closely for years. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF BUGS!! FUCKING THOUSANDS!!!!!!!!! SELL NOW!!!

Larimer shills are cringe

>$0.50 in October
>Top 5, $12 and 10b mc today
>People are buying this
Buy high biz, never change

fact is the sell window closed a month ago. tether is literally the smart play for EOS community members, it will bleed with or without the rest of the market.

this just goes to show that EOS development is an utter shitfest of incompetency. rushing to market with massive vulnerabilities because of wanting to rush to market. treating the project like it is an EA game that can be patched after launch.
>a true idiots investment

>Dan 'Slapdash' Larimer

Yall suck at research.


> $10K+ Bug Bounties Ongoing

> Security analysts coming out of the wood work.



Attached: eosFudders.png (1355x1354, 261K)

TEZOS is almost ready and going live in like two weeks

Based Dan Monster Larimer, King of Jow Forums, First of his Kind, Master of the Private Keys, Wizard of C++, Boss of the Best Team and followed by the Best Collaborators.
May Turing bless him forever.

>Larimer shills are cringe

sorry but people saying


Is like top cringe. That's desperation beyond desperation.

fundus are safeuh

Because you are dumb. You gave away your ETH or BTC for literally a 5 billion dollar vaporware.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Literally everything they are trying to do Ethereum has already gone through and are working on, THE CORRECT WAY. You EOS retards think Vitalik didn't think of everything already.

EOS is a 10 billion dollar vaporware. If that's not overpriced idk what is.

EOSLETS stay poor faggots
$200 eoy

What about Bitshares and Steemit? Those aren't vaporware.

You must be new here.

Need to learn more. Ur too dumb, but with some work there's still hope. THAT YOU MIGHT FEED MY GAI HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA gotta love dumb money

>By fixing it, a month ago.

This happened in the last 48 hours you fucking brainlet.

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eth? xmr? neo? link?

Ethereum is a token factory and is only useful for buying and trading placeholder tokens for superior projects.

You seem very knowledgeable and I am learning more and more every day how little I actually know. Do you mind sharing platforms you have interest in? I think Holochain and Hylochain (Constellation Labs) are solid picks. Super comfy with 50% HOT right now.

Is this just ETH's counter-attack? Some Chinese cyber security firm all of a sudden comes out with a report a few days before EOS mainnet launch? I don't think it's a coincidence.

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Bump for the real ETH killer

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>When the majority of you are actually niggers.
Most of you are disgusting retarded niggers who dont read a single page of technical information in a day let alone a week. Its evident that 80 % if not more of you will lose all of your money and that makes me genuinely happy now, after seeing how critically fucking retarded the majority of you are. Can't do your own research, dont know the first thing about programming, dont know the first thing about cryptography, are simply just degenerate gamblers. Fuck you all.

Are you fucking retarded? They messaged the EOS team about this privately after compiling a full report on a supernode attack.

It's all speculation my dude

>westernized asian

fucking disgusting

What the fuck is research? I fucking hate school work.

I would like to second to you as well.

Do you prefer non-westernized Asians or something? Don't tell me you don't get off to the thought of colonial conquest when making Asian women your sex toys. Fucked up, but it gets me off like nothing else.

Yeah, privately, that's why we know about it. I guess I am fucking retarded, silly me.

how does Dan stop mainnet launch if the community is in charge of launching it?

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jackass dan has pulled enough money out of crypto. shut him down

bet you cant even tell me what is better about EOS vs Bitshares

turing completness

Are you aware that this was published after the fact, and that your Demagogue Danny Boy asked them NOT to? Real transparent team you have there. DYOR on this shit, I'm done spoonfeeding your neolithic brain with reasons why your shitcoin is fucked.

i hold btc, eth, link, xmr. i think it is solid.

Stay poor

LOL thanks for your contribution to this discussion, Rajeet.

Methheads getting nervous, I can feel it

I know your only exposure to our culture is the third season of Breaking Bad DVD that you picked out of your slum's local e-waste dump, but you should know that not all Americans are methheads.

280 ETH mEth head and developer here. I actually plan on buying EOS just to make money during the mainnet dump, it's you that should be nervous. almost no one understands the EOS BIOS boot up process period before the network is active and it will be a complete clusterfuck. the fact that they haven't delayed launch after this remote execution bug is a huge red flag too, since that is literally the worst kind of bug that's possible to have.

in the end I think they will fix the bugs and have a centralized cartel controlled by chinese exchanges and miners (from vote buying and voting with customer funds), but I think I'll be able to make a profit if I buy during the launch chaos. the network itself will fall flat on its face over the long term though.

> Thinks the network will fall flat.
> Network has already existed as Bitshares.

>developer here
>almost no one understands the EOS BIOS boot up process period before the network is active

Sounds like you're not really a good developer, then.