Convert to Islam

Bismillah al Rahman al Raheem,

Jow Forums, Western civilization has failed. All around you, you see the degeneracy, the feminism, the usury, the homosexuality. The time has come for you to embrace Islam, the only religio-political system to survive modernity.

Convert to Islam.

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id rather go to hell than cut my penis

How can we get morocco to invade al andalus easy conquest habbibi?

Christianity is far more intellectually sound than Islam. If it lost to faggotism, so will Islam in the coming generations.

>Christianity is far more intellectually sound than Islam

>Actually god is 3 persons
>Im the Messiah but i dont meet any requirements for it just believe lol
>Im coming back in your lifetime i swear lol

>mm carpentar jew say he is god
>he make wine from water which is a divine property?
>he walked on water
>he said to not care about this world
>become homeless poor and do not resist enemies
>getting killed without fighting is good

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>mm mohammad is a prophet because
>he think
>he says
>he do
>more importantly do not disobey him

So Jesus wants us to surrender to Islam, be poor, and be devoted fully to god?

Is jesus the model for all humans?
Get killed do not fight even if you have the power to literally kill all romans or convert them all, later get apostles to convert for you

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Yes Jesus wants you to not resist islam and do as he did against pagan romans.

If you care about this world then yiu are not christian

its exactly the same about Jesus and all the prophets before him

Which all are false and you will find out that its a fairy take for politics.


Done, alhamdulillah. 알함두릴라

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Based Dubs
cucked and bluepilled

>Western civilization has failed
That's no reason to become exploding pedophile ape.


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>pedophile ape
what about those altar bois and orphans?

"pedophilia" is the only good thing about society.

Exploding pedophile ape sounds cool, but i prefer not doing that

>>he said to not care about this world
>>become homeless poor and do not resist enemies

That's what Muhammad taught too.

>Oh! KIll them! Enslave them! Kill them again!

Err not really. Muhammad died before muslims started their retarded conquests everywhere outside of the arabian peninsula.


Why did he say that then?

Qurayshis used to hit him with stones until he bled. He would let them be and wouldn't attack them because "maybe one day their children will be muslims who understand better than them".

stop bullshitting me, munafik.


That's the truth nigga. Jibril/Gabriel came to him and told him that he can smash 2 mountains together and genocide all of Banu Quraysh so Muhammad said "No, maybe the next generations will be muslims who are more understanding".

I will report you to saudi halal police.

Why are Muhammad's followers so insanely violent today then? Because they couldn't win them over they resorted to cringy autistic terrorism?

I'm mohammed follower too and i only beat up people with name "erik"

Bedouin mentality and it probably depends. Some of them were pretty violent, especially the ones that came a lot later like the Umayyads, whereas some like Caliph Omar used to sleep under trees and eat dates for dinner even though he ruled all of pic related.

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bad example. Think stuff like Almoravid/Almohad or so. Islam is a huge shitfest anyway.

This thread has been forgiven by Jesus Christ who suffered and died on the cross.

To make sure that you will escape enternal damnation reply with ''Thank you, sweet Jesus.''

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Hesuso kristo...

how many dates that nigga consume on a daily basis? and how did he endure the eternal diarrhea which followed after? truly a pious fellow.

Thank you for your ministry Isa.

based and mohammedpilled

Are you even allowed to say that in ultra-muslimland?

أحتاج ان أتبع الشيعات او السنيون؟

>outside of the arabian peninsula
Keyword, he was still alive during the conquest of the peninsula and acted as a general.
>it's ok because he killed other Arabs
Is not an argument.

It's true though. All muslims knows this story.