>Norwegian princess has black eyes and brown hair
>Spanish princess has blue eyes and blonde hair
Norwegian princess has black eyes and brown hair
Leonor is qt
shes a Goddess
Why do they all look so inbred?
ugly kids, especially the Belgium one geez
You'd know
Why do Norwegians not have a philtrum?
most of them are hald-plebs, idiot
t. seething exiled peasant
Spanish royal family is not Spanish but French blood. Pic related is King of Spain when he was young. His kids look just like him.
I'm pretty sure the Dannish one is half Anglo Austarlian.
The Norwegian royal family has Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, German, English and French ancestry. Brown hair is common in Scandinavia too.
are you brown haired
Actually she looks quintessentially Belgian
Yes. By Nordic standards anyway. Anglos call it dirty blonde. Turns blonde when exposed to sun.
They had one French ancestor 300 years ago, the modern Bourbons are basically German.
Why are Latins such subordinates of the Germanic master race?
Stelle looks like a goblina
Ingrid looks like the average wasted slag lying on the sidewalk at 8 am on sunday, in some pub street in London.
Elisabeth is an Atrocidad....
germany has way too many royal and noble houses
>Ingrid looks like the average wasted slag lying on the sidewalk at 8 am on sunday, in some pub street in London
And none of them our head of state.... yet
Who has the most claim to it?
Would it be the Queen of England?, if they didn't take away there German titles.
That's novice. Check this out.
Would ejaculate inside Princess Leonor till my balls ached.
Ingrid, Amalia and Elisabeth look like bullfrogs.
they have very low level german titles....
>ywn be a royal zombie
Now sure how to feel about this.
Both will take dozens of BBC before they even reach the age of 18 so what's difference does it make really?
>Would ejaculate inside Princess Leonor till my balls ached
American tier post right there.
Russians were the original Americans
The mother is a normal spaniard.
All European monarchies are led by Germans. The "House of Windsor" is in fact the House of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. The "House of Bernadotte" is mostly made of princes of German statelets. Similarly the Spanish Bourbons are the offspring of German aristocracy, like the king's mother Sofia of Greece. The cureent queen is the only full Spanish member.
Who is your favorite princess?
Italian sluts,
Uma delicia
The Italian one
lol netherlands are fat
Why does that girl look like an inbred reta-
> United Kingdom and Commonwealth
princess of belgium is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen.
>don't call me slut you pleb
Good taste my friend
Prince George looks literally Italian
You know my answer.
*cuts your hand*
he he nothing personal kid
George and Charlotte have really chubby cheeks. Kinda adorable.
did she accepted your follow request on instagram? that pic isnt on google
>Stelle looks like a goblina
take that back you mongrel whore
Why you think I ever sent it? lel
>chubby cheeks
Waiting for the rest of the body
>Why you think I ever sent it? lel
what do you mean?
the current queen is a peas*nt
These pedophile threads are not even thinly veiled anymore. Can't you go back to 2d? Because someone will get hurt eventually I fear
cant you go back to r*ddit?
What you don't understand?
>prince george
peas*nt mother
>princess estelle
peas*nt father, half peas*nt mother
>princess leonor
peas*nt mother
>prince christian
peas*nt mother
>princess ingrid
peas*nt mother
>princess amalia
peas*nt mother
>princess elisabeth
full noble
for me it's princess Elisabeth!
based monsieur Guillotin
Brits teeth meme is real
Spain :3
All kids are ugly
I like seeing royal families in the world
And I enjoy to see that the world royal families come to Japan and they meet the emperor of Japan
I hope that the Italian monarchy recover and the Italian royal family meet our emperor
netherland seems like fat bitches yöü get in mürica
>Princess of Italy is a thot.
Makes sense desu.
>the t*rk is a pedo
Fucking shocker.
It's her birthday today!
Say something nice about her.
May the guillotine give her a quick, painless death!
this one
What's wrong with her right eye?
Christian will grow up to be a total chad
Is someone being nasty??
>Yes, a perfidous brit, bring me his heart
she looks french
With pleasure!
Very sweet, would cuddle.
>Stay away peasant
>You will be well rewarded
Time to go all Aztec on the brit!
neck yourselves, fucking peasant royalcockslurping niggers
everything that happened to russian royals should and will happen to the rest royals in europe
fuck you
Best Princess!
Jow Forums is a lolicon website. Can you fuck off back to Facebook?
You aren't welcome here and will never be welcome here. Don't let the influx of Jow Forumsscum fool you into thinking you normalfags aren't seen as subhuman, site wide.
>my 20yo granny ass is on fire
lalla khadija
Based and Ingridpilled.