Germany unloading bags

>seize high
>sell low

what happened with this once great nation?

Attached: gercuck.jpg (1500x1000, 1.84M)

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They didn't read biz

Attached: Do not sell.png (221x308, 50K)

Red countries are buying their bags. So this is how the western civilization ends. Remember to elect some young boomers next election guys.

Attached: aidss.png (550x321, 149K)

lol they panic sold even though they hadn't even finished the investigation

Lmao. They don't even own the assests yet.

>what happened with this once great nation?

Attached: 1524790235619.jpg (1024x1016, 512K)

Does your map have South Korea labeled 3rd world?


>Central Office of Cybercrime in Germany's Hesse state also made a notable sale of 126 bitcoins confiscated over several years through investigations on the darknet. At the time, bitcoin's price was around its all-time-high at $20,000, which resulted in proceeds of nearly $2.3 million

least they managed to sell some at the top

>selling free cryptos you seized from druggies, pedos, and hackers


they sold at 10k.

and turkey as 1st world
I think it follows the 50's definition.
all nato countries+ neutral european ones and japan = 1st world. all commies = 2nd and the rest is 3rd world

Wait, so they panic sold seized assets.....before anyone was even convicted? Holy fuck, the absolute STATE of commies

This map has bunch of countries wrong but it's one of the first results in Google images so it keeps popping up

Needs more WASPs

My bad. Turkey is obviously not 1st world. Some of the eastern europe countries should also obviously be upgraded to green along with best korea.

And this is a country we looked up to once.
Dont worry though, im sure they will buy it back next bull run and give it to the innocent anons. If we're lucky their trials take a couple of years and btc is at 100k.


it's still a great nation you look up to and you know it.

We really, really don't. The world has lost all respect for Germany. And Western Europe in general of course.

they are still my favorite muslim country

don't be ridiculous. you hate us because you ain't us.

14 million more for muhammad and fatma

Europe is the anus of earth, the anus that is gaped open by third world countries.

Attached: they're just fucking with us.png (1873x1634, 65K)