Can someone here explain me your ABSOLUTE hate of the Indian people on Jow Forums ? V2
Can someone here explain me your ABSOLUTE hate of the Indian people on Jow Forums ? V2
Other urls found in this thread:
>Microsoft Tech Support
>IRS Scammers
>Poo in Street
Logic and rationale
Literally never met a pajeet that wasn't all of these things
>you don't believe me Doctor Jones?
>you will, you will become a true believer!
>after we find the sixth stone we will throw off the yoke of the British
>then we will liberate entire India
>after that muslims
>then, even the christian god will fall
>soon, poo in loo shall rule the world.
TL;DR - They ruined Jow Forums
Real answer - it's simple economics, there are so many of them with access to the internet who speak English and their cost of living and wages are so low that it is literally worth them crapshooting (no pun intended) and shilling either on behalf of scamcoins, getting paid pennies per post, or shilling their own (comparatively) small bags, just spamming and spamming low quality content for coins and tech which may actually have returns, because quite simply that's out of their financial grasp.
There's also a cultural aspect to it, firstly Indians like many third-worlders believe that they are well within their rights to be duplicitous or use subterfuge to 'redistribute' wealth from the West, ignoring the fact that the only people they usually scam are the poorest levels of Western society, who themselves are victims.
and Secondly - Indians are second only to the Turkish and Israelis, the most easily triggered nationalities on the internet. Like they are the lowest of the lowest on the "handle the bantz" index. The thinness of their skin is unbelievable.
Quality post have an upboat
Their gurus keep trying to pump their national pride and "cultural heritage", that's probably one of the reasons. Ironically it makes them prideful and arrogant, generally worse people
Pajeet here, all I can do is try to be different.