They are here
Are men complete jerks in your country?
t. girl(male)
Nope and how about you discuss the topic of the forum post instead?
If you wouldn't constantly go to Jamal and try out Klas, maybe you wouldn't be so sad.
fuck you roastie BIIIITCH!
I've been to Sweden, Ostersund and sundsvall to be precise, to check out for the unj. People there were incredibly humble and cheerful in every way. A little too naive maybe, but it all highlighted a pleasant environment, so I had a different experience.
If you don't like the people you see, just change them, but avoid generalizing an entire environment to just cater to your perspective, it's as dumb and unproductive as to tell "weirdo" to a guy in an image board.
I don't think so, no. At least I try to be nice and understanding.
How can you generalize about millions of men you've never met?
go to crystal cafe or something
I guess you never miss huh?
Men here are pigs
It's based on my experiences...
yes actually its to make sure they dont turn into degenerate sluts.
women normally dont stay loyal until you tell them there will be consequences for not being loyal
fuck niggers lol
post belly
Maybe try to question yourself and your taste in man before judging people you don't know.
holy mother of BASED
that's why i am single
Be my gf?
All men are jerks except me
>Men here are pigs
post examples
Uhm what is this even supposed to mean?
>it's not me it's the rest of the world
All jerks are men except me.
No, the women here are sociopathic cunts, the men are subdued puppies although there are exceptions. The trick is to avoid everyone
Roasties getting btfo
I can be your hero baby
>mgtow autist spergs out on supposed girl online