How do Americans and Russians feel about each other?

How do Americans and Russians feel about each other?

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Used to hate them because they threatened our allies but now I couldn't give a fuck, euros are assholes and users of their American ally.

I grew up after the cold war so I don't really care. I see them as better potential allies than Europe desu

Alongside with Canada, America is my favorite western country tbqh

Trump managed to be the first president as disliked as Putin in Germany
How does this make you feel?

>How does this make you feel?
It doesn't. I don't care.

i don't care about germany. i hope they wipe themselves out with these migrants.

Honestly fuck Germans, they always complain and blame everything on the US, and then brag about their budget surplus despite them relying entirely on US military protection.

>bwaah germans don't like y-you!

What do you think of german TV shows blaming USA for the instability in middle east ?

They're right, except we did it for Israel.

You got told several times we don't give a shit about Germany

Oh you stumped me.. How will i ever recover?
look a little closer and see who runs the foreign policy affairs of the usa.

I see
Im not meaning to offend you,im just asking for your views out of curiosity, ¿why so defensive?

Americans are much more adequate than our closest neightbors!

They alright

jesus learn english you goddamn incel

Because all people do is attack the US and blame average americans for the actions of things they have no say over.

I think most people know the difference between government and citizen
If they dont, they are not worth speaking with

Not really, most posters here would be happy to see the US be nuked out of existence.

Not me because i love America.

America is a god blessed elven paradise and americans are saints

You're also turkish



Not a popular opinion

They used to be cool during the Soviet era but now they’re just alcoholic election-meddling cunts

What makes you think that i am a Turk?

I know but you could pretend that they are just being tsundere about it.

nothing makes me feel

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No fuck them, I hope the US military leaves Europe forever and forces them to pay for that shit themselves, the ungrateful fucks.

They are all faggots that need to be cucked by strong russian BVLLS.

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I don't feel anything special about them. They're just people, what else am I supposed to feel?

You should fear me BITCH!

Boomers and SJWs hate them, so they are clearly doing something right.

Nukes... Bitch.

USA is a great country our people got much more in common than in difference

Their economy is only slightly larger than Spain's, and they have a cratering birth rate. They'll always command respect because of their nuclear arsenal but outside of that they really aren't that important. We shouldn't needlessly antagonize them but some grand alliance wouldn't have much return.

They love eachother. It's basically the same country.

Pretty ashamed desu

this if they knew about us as much as we know about them, there'd be a bit less hate

No, you don't need to be ashamed. Trump is a good comrade.

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Nice country with the same amount of retarded things per square meter/yard

we can't. the US has to babysit Europe or they'll kill each other.... again.

what common interests do we share out of curiosity?

All Americans (and others) who want to understand modern russia should watch this

I agree, our white trash is very similar.

i hate that fucking shill. he pretends to be fair and balanced but he clearly shills for the russian pro-putin propaganda.

He isn't. And when you'll get it it will open your eyes (may be). He call himself as French or American, but never Russian.

I think we managed to create lasting peace in Europe

>He call himself
that's the thing. that's why putin needs him.

Don't be that typical stupid american "putin this putin that"

I honestly kind of doubt that. something stupid like brexit can launch some type of war over there.

the channel prevents any serious war between Britain and the continent

The USA has just as many nukes as you, and NATO together has MORE nukes than you.

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I don't really care about them.

they're allowed to think whatever they want. it doesn't change the fact that the only people that dislike him are people that place feelings over facts
they're probably right to some extent. should not be allies with a bunch of delusional wahhabists, for one

americans are completely unable to understand historical context and the frame-of-mind that russians have, and maybe vice-vetsa, i dunno