Wtf is happening to the italian euro

Wtf is happening to the italian euro

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> Italian Euro

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Fuck the euro.

People don't actually trust Italians with money, do they? Pretty sure that's just a meme.

>italian euro
bitgrail exit scam, bomber market dumping euros

Four major banks in Italy are looking absolutely fucked. Hedge Funds are yolo shorting them into the ground

Defaulting is Italy's pastime though. That's why their bonds are rated as junk and they're kept out of the Euro.

>italian euro
Okay idiot let me spoonfeed you- populist coalition dissolved because the President who has veto over cabinet choices didn't like their pick for finance minister. So the Italians are going back to the polls which is going to be a defacto referendum on an Italeave or Italianexit or whatever those lazy journalists will call it - which means leaving the Eurozone. The prospect of Italy going back to the Lira has caused people to sell their Euros and also their Italian government bonds which are currently denominated in Euros, obviously. So Italian yields have gone up like mad.

>Italians actually were let into the Euro
>People lent them Euros

What did they think was going to happen?

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I honestly don't know - I assume it's all part of Germany's master plan though to create the Fourth Reich through bankrupting Southern Europe but not letting them print more money

Italians are waking up, finally

italy is our angle of death

>being this retarded

Next are spaniards, we are fed up with (((their))) decisions about Catalonia which are contradictory.
If it wasn't clear now it's clearler than water, they want to slave southern europe by breaking it on smaller parts or by debt.

Italy has one the biggest gold reserve in the world
Banks are in shit ecb/Draghi shenanigans.
And go fuck your self with a hamburger

italians are based af I hope they start storming the parliament and stringing up bankers on lamp posts.

I assure you that we are not going to separate Catalonia from Spain. The government of Catalonia is the closest thing to the National Socialism that Germany has had in the past.

It does seem like that, but annexation through debt default's not gonna fly. Germany would need tacit acceptance from the international community, a precedent of some kind.

Like China being allowed to annex a chunk of Africa and the Eurozone forgiving any US debt. Then Germoney gets its colonies.

I'm not saying defaulting is bad. It's a good lifestyle, and quite funny when autistic Germans always assume debts must be paid back.

You mess with Angelino, you get the coltellino

LOL lmao so fucking bluepilled.
Catalonian separatism is literally California kind of separatism.
>We want to seccede because Spain is not progressive enough! Fuck Drumpf! I mean Rajoy!
Rajoy is a big piece of shit as any party on Spain but calling Catalans separatist natsoc is fucking retarded, they literally made a march to bring in more refugees that had 250k participants.

i hope that Italy will help destroy the European Union and free us all

Supreme !

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Bring it fucking down lads.
I want to buy a car in germany. The more it dumps the more I save


>and they're kept out of the Euro.

Only they aren't??????

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>Italy's benchmark FTSE MIB sank 2.7%. The UK's FTSE was down 1.2%, Germany's Dax down 1.3%, and France's Cac down 2%.


What a disaster.

>not having your own currency

Thanks based Soros for crashing the Euro. Next year I'm going to have an European vacation!

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It was a joke. Their bonds are also not rated junk (yet).

German fag reporting in. Which lazy low life nation am I supposed to rescue this time?

>Enough excuses, lets shelter them NOW!.

And not to say that one of the slogans is.
>La república serà feminista o no serà.
The republic is going to be feminist or it's not going to be.
Ah, and they are pro euro. LOL.

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But Italy has the Euro you absolute brainlet retard moron kill yourself as soon as possible tbhfam. There isnt a brainlet wojak stupid enough to describe you.

>euro stock exchanges are 1.5% down at worst

Do not be offended but you completely ignore the ideology of the Catalan government, it is the most rancid right and controlled by the bourgeoisie. They have been indoctrinating for 15 years that everything that comes from Spain is bad, even though it is the region of Spain that receives the most money.

This is correct

That reminds me, does anyone have details on the waiver to include them? I thought their debt-to-GDP at the time was way beyond the accepted limit.

2% of hundreds of billions is hundreds of millions.
Welcome to the law of relativity.
And to the lift not coming back when you need it the most

No, it was pretty fine at the time. They simply had 30 years of shitty governments. They were in the EU and Eurozone from the start.

Same shit that happened to trump trade war, treasury yield inversion, and 10 yr yield going over 3–not a damn thing. This is just drama for men and y’all sum bitch ass bitches. Next week you’ll forget about Italy after selling your shares at the lowest prices and fudding some other Jew media propaganda.


We are not going to rescue anybody this time krauser, we are going to send the bailiffs.

>pro euro

Where do you even hear this shit, Rajoy is the most pro euro politician in spain. They're considered leftist populists by neoliberal media.

Anything is better than bilderbergers like Rajoy, the flavour doesn't matter anyway. Leftists and conversatives don't exist anymore.

It's megacorps and their lackeys vs everyone else, the rest is Divide & Conquer global deep state propaganda

I live there and have been living there for 26 years, infact I was born on the very hearth of Barcelona.
Currently doing a master about public health and have to hear things like
>alcholism is only seen on spanish speakers, quite fun isn't it?
The ideology of the government may be one thing which is completly true what you say, but the people defending it are literally on the other side of the coin YET they defend them. It makes no fucking sense.

>rancid right

Fuck of Commie. Helicopter rides for you.

>Italian euro

It 'receives' the most money because it's the region of Spain that produces the most wealth fucktard. Typical communist brainlet who thinks wealth is just magically handed out by the state rather than being produced by people.

>germans thinking they have any power
You can barely hold your government together anymore and your economy is stalling, let's not think too high of yourselves.

Gov not important in krautland my friend. As long as IGFarben still run the show. Are you new to German politics?

German industry doesn't grow anymore, your whole economy is stalling and Deutsche Bank is at all time-low, laying off people by the dozens of thousands.

But don't worry my kraut friend, at least the 2 millions "refugees" have been handed truck driving licences.

German are very good at building and running forced labour camps. Never forget. Violets are blue....

Oh, thanks. I must've been thinking of Greece then.

Are you guys going to increase your defense spending to 2% of GDP? Because Trump might actually kick your ass out of NATO.

Which is why we must completely replace these Germanoids with mudslimes. Then they will no longer be a threat

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Nothing. The EU will be dissolved before 2030

>Italians actually were let into the Euro
Italy is one of the funding nations. Noone let them in. They never went through any joining criteria.

There is more able-bodied Muslims in germany than able-bodied Germans.

This is how euro works though. You should look into it, it's not a single currency at all. Each country basically has its own Euro and the exchange rate is fixed at 1 for 1 in the Eurozone.

Il bambino non e giapponese il bambino e italiano

Fuck off rabbi

Well someone kicked the day off drunk as fuck lmao

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Your own people, from getting raped and ran over by trucks

>italian euro

Its a noa Italiana euroa itsa euroa euroa

>they're kept out of the Euro.

No mama mia italiana she is ina da euro

Me opened long ;_;
Sorry euro

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There is a happy place where everybody is getting raped (incel fantasy)and run over by trucks, its got to the point where trucks of incels are going from pol to Europe in the hope of being raped and driving over people in trucks only to find things are pretty comfy and no one will rape them

Western Europe has never been so unsafe since the pre-order era m. Eastern Europe is pretty darn comfy.
t. Frenchfag

I meant pre-modern era fuck my phone.


You're not even properly human. What are you going speaking a real language anyway?

>Western Europe has never been so unsafe

O I dunno. Try 1944, or 1917 or 1870 . In fact pick virtually anytime in history. Like when the red army was poise and was ready to hurl nukes?

Anyway you are French. So no point talking to you. Your women have ALWAYS fucked whatever walks onto your territory be it an SS officer or a US paratrooper.

fuck he actually is drunk.
or on something for sure.
dudes fucking slurring hahahaha

What should i do with my EUROs?

Short spaghetti futures


Kikes and their mass media lackeys are spinning the "Italy is going to leave euro bullshit", that's what is happening.
Lega and m5s never said they want out of eurozone or European union, we just want a revision of Dublin treaty and some other changes.
Kikes don't like freedom because they can't profit from it.

buy gold or crypto, something that you have 100% of



These were times of war, in times of peace people were safe. Now we're not and that's a fact, we were a lot safer decades ago, we could leave our houses without locking our doors and women could go out alone in major cities at 4am without having to worry about being raped.

Also you have no idea what you're talking about regarding french women and our history.

die disinfo shill die

actually it's the other way around.
italian politicians that won the elections are saying they want out of euros and that they will default on debt.