Increase of almost 3x the volume in the last 24hrs

>increase of almost 3x the volume in the last 24hrs
Oh no it's happening isn't it? At what time is the announcement? I'm not getting paid until thursday..

Attached: 86123857123.jpg (1440x784, 40K)

>correction after the dump
don't worry, you'll be able to buy at 10c

Its mostly selling volume ya dingus

>Selling volume
>Has largest increase in volume going up 15% in price
Ok bud

Bottom-sellers got played by fake FUD lmao. Confirmed by team that the partnership stands. Buy now or stay poor.

fuck off pajeet, the wkimedia roastie literally said that req is WEIRD AND CREEPY

>Volume increase

>Not 100% rats fleeing a sinking ship

It's ok boys announcement isn't until later this is just prepump, relax.

Hacked e-mail confirmed by wikimedia. If you're not buying right now you won't make it.

Never owned Req in my life been a long time stinky linky and chink scammer, Just bought 15k, we mooning boys?

Oh you have no ideea

Scratch that sold all my ZRX and went all in on my binance account on REQ, Now proud owner of 20k, Haven't even read up on this project, No reqsters on suicide watch

$100 EOY is virtually certain

No FUD this time user, it's genuine. Check reddit; a REQ moderator confirmed.

You idiot, it's real.

The next "partnership" to get axed is PwC.

Since Request Network were so slow and reluctant to change their delusive
communication into a fair and clean information, Coinbase broke the
agreement with them. Thus, this partnership is over.



Still accumulating? That's ok. But you had your time. No need to post fake FUD.

Dipshit, I bought at 4 cents in early November.

REQ? that coin is fucking dead lol. im glad that user shilled me COLX, atleast i can make money with this shitcoin.

thats the volume of everyone selling after Wikimedia France severed the partnership..kek

REQ and PwC have already collaborated in person and have plans for the future. It's obvious the REQ/Wiki partnership was rushed, and things were not transparent between them. Although this isn't good news, this one severance won't kill REQ, it's still the most undervalued project in the market

bro, the partnership is actually terminated. check the reddit, see the official statement from the team. it's dumb but it's true. i hold 100k REQ myself, no need to be deluded.

luckily the price seems to be recovering a tad bit after over 4 million tokens were market sold by upset investors.

>most undervalued project
its value is dependent on their partnerships

a fucking FRENCH team had trouble communicating with a FRENCH business


I mean I really don't think it's a problem on REQ's end. They made a minor mistake in their blog and fixed it in less than 24 hours, and profusely apologized for any confusion. Then a month later, they let someone know in an email that the partnership is over? Maybe it was best for REQ to not be collaborating with these boneheads

>REQ and PwC have already collaborated in person and have plans for the future.

Means nothing. Not a single dollar of network activity or revenue came out of the PwC partnership.

it shows that PwC won't randomly sever the partnership like Wiki did. more collaboration and communication = stronger relationship? seems pretty evident to me that this is a good thing

>he thinks people can sell without people buying
>he thinks price going up is a bearish indicator
There is plenty of good fud available for REQ right now, but this is absolute brainlet tier logic. How did your brain get so smushed, anyway?

>t.increasingly nervous bagholder

>it shows that PwC won't randomly sever the partnership like Wiki did

Doesn't show anything you moron. There's no actual verifiable evidence than PwC did any of that. You just accept random tweets at face value?

wiki france made request look like scammers
>delusive communication
pretty harsh words for their fellow countrymen
the pwc france partnership seems solid from what ive seen.
>Not a single dollar of network activity or revenue
same can be said for 99.5% of crypto projects

you have to remember its only month 6 of the project

>no actual verifiable evidence
now youre just coming off as a conspiracy theorist lmao seek help

>the pwc france partnership seems solid from what ive seen.

If it seems solid, what is the result of the partnership, hmm?