Is America the next Western country that will fall into civil war?
Is America the next Western country that will fall into civil war?
Honestly so bored of the world right now. I wish someone would drop a nuke or something. Let's start some shit.
I hope so
America is not western
I really do hope. I long for the opportunity to go Robbespierre on the entire government and raise the South to the ground.
top banter lmao
stop wishing violence on other people
if you are tired of peace you can always kill yourself
>Shitloads of guns
>Ethnical and political divisions
>Massive wealth inequality
It's not impossible, but burgers are too pacified for this shit. Plus they don't have any organizations from which a war can crystalize.
This makes me want to drive a lifted pick up truck blasting country music with a giant rebel flag flying
The culture shock would be so insurmountable they would probably just stare.
No, just they will keep with fights and homicides by ms13, white supremacists and nigger gangs, like any Latam country
There is very little unity in America. People are too individualistic to rebel.
Do it again General Sherman
>next Western country that will fall into civil war
there are Civil Wars in the Western World right now?
the funny thing is, you know what newyorkers would actually do?
exactly nothing. they wouldn't even look at you. there's 100x weirder shit on the streets of ny every day than your redneck vehicle
Why do Europeans have such an obsession with wanting to see former European colonies fail?
They were doing the same shit during apartheid and were so glad once retards took over South Africa and drove it into a cesspool.
I'm just so glad Europe is taking in so many refugees. Bunch of smug faggots over there that need to learn to live in multiracial societies.
America seems incredibly polarized.
Maybe not full scale civil war but some homegrown terrorism perhaps on larger scale.
Not a civil war, but I wouldn't be surprised if more edgelord moron youth started following the example of the MAGAtard Unabomber wannabe and start engaging in petty terrorism
Mexico is pretty far West
>There are Hillary voters on my board
eww fucking disgusting
I wanted Sanders, Hillary can lick my balls. She is a corporate sellout.
What was the last?
I knew that this dumbfuck with a Denmark flag was a redneck.
He, the guy with a german flag, the guy with an austrian flag, the guy with a britain flag.... all shitty rednecks trumploids
"At least americans are white!!"
I will never forget this bullshit
Have you seen the stock market recently?
1917 will commence again.
You are majority white country too joao
Americans have been devided since the 70s or something? I think they'll continue having a passive aggressive civil conflict until enough old people die.
No fuck that. No more refugees. We need to focus on peace, so we can get them out
The war would last two days before we all realized that civil war means no wal marts or regular internet access and we lay down our arms
Spain probably.
>my life is boring so lets kill millions of people!
Most Europeans irl would rather most countries stay stable and developing. Just because we're better than everyone else doesn't mean we achieved it through sabotage
That was awesome I hope ours goes like that. I want to start an anarchist commune and get rid of all the landlords before being executed by a fascist death squad.
Civil war would imply there are two sides capable of fighting. Here the right wing is heavily armed and the left outside of anarchists arent the violent type or the type to own weapons. Additionally the police and military tend to be made up of people on the right. The ones butthurt now are the left and even most of them would never get violent so nothing will happen. If I minority of the left got violent the police could and/or guard could handle them.
What did he mean by this?
Then they'll send in hordes of niggers to rape everyone like Franco did.
Based. FRANCO was secretly a servant of Kara Boga
>eww fucking disgusting
Except each new generation is more divided.
voted up
Do it again General Sherman!
>screencaps of Jow Forums posts
Very based.
>political divide right now is as deep as during the Civil War
no matter how much the media memes that we live "in the most divided time in American history", it was exponentially more divided back in the 1800s leading up to the war.
Do it again General Sherman!
you'd think NYC would care more about the n*ggers