Are mail order brides real or just a meme

Everyone in this thread is an idiot and knows nothing about "mail-order" brides

t. Knower

tell us about how yours is different

They exist, I know at least one.

His mom was one

You don't purchase a woman from a store and get shipped one in a box as the slang implies. It's a little more complicated (and also a fairly dumb thing to do). The grass isn't exactly always greener, especially when the motivating factor for the woman is your $$$$$/green card

My step-mum is one. She married my very middle class truck driver dad and she works 50+ hours per week cleaning hotel rooms then comes home and cooks and cleans. They have been married over 10 years.
My father dated another "mail order" bride before this one but it didn't last because he didn't want to move to Russia and she refused to leave.

Of course there are some just looking for a green card or who are lazy gold-digging whores, but there are also lots who live in countries where basically every man is either already married, unemployed, abusive, or an alcoholic, and they just want to find love. You also don't buy them, the women pay a company to put their pictures and info on a website then a man pays that company a small amount to get access to your contact info, exactly like every other online dating website.
The way these companies make most of their money is through translation services for those that need every letter going both ways translated.

>he has a Filipino step mom

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>he didn't want to move to Russia and she refused to leave.

What a fucking dumb whore. Did he tell her that Canada is like 1000 times better than Russia?


My father is American, he lives in that shithole. Honestly I would rather live in Russia than America too.
They are moving to her town in Ukraine when they retire in 2 years so apparently they prefer even the Donestsk Republic to America, I don't blame them.

>They are moving to her town in Ukraine
>Donestsk Republic

This just keeps getting worse and worse.

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