Im at the end of the rope friends, I have decided to take my own life at the end of this week...

Im at the end of the rope friends, I have decided to take my own life at the end of this week, after selling my things and leaving some money to my family so they dont have to burden themselves with the economical cost of my funeral.

Its been a while since ive been here, but it was nice to lurk, I hope you all make it, and dont let the socialist scum make its way into your countries like it did to mine.

Attached: 651531535874315431354.jpg (447x589, 45K)

There are still lots of rich people in Venezuala right? If things are so bad, why haven't the lower classes risen up and taken their property yet?

bureucrats with armed security and elites basically the divide is very huge now, worse than ever.

theres no weapons, only criminals or military, and the military are sellouts to the socialist goverment

If you're going to kill yourself anyway why not go out fighting and join in protesting against the elites

Is your family going to be alright thoigh?
>and dont let the socialist scum make its way into your countries like it did to mine.
Too late I guess.

I dont have weapons, i barely eat twice a day, im tired of working for 10$ a month with no way to improve or move up the ladder and im near my 30s so starting from the bottom up keeps getting harder and harder I just dont have the spirit for this

At least you have something to fight for

as alright as they can be, ive always been a burden never managed to leave out my home because i was born into this crisis and well never really had the drive with this shitfest

why is your country too late? im sure they can do something about it

i really dont, nor the means to

Don't do it user, you will just end only fucking your soul's stats, come to Chile.

Can't you move to a different cunt for a while?

Aplique hace meses esperando la visa y ya estoy cansado, y como se ha tardado tanto creo que me rechazaran la aplicacion y bueno, no hay salida

im eating twice a day at best, i cant afford a ticket out of here

Nigga I’d bring you here but I don’t know how

No pierdas la esperanza amigo, debes tener los químicos del cerebro por el piso y así difícil que le veas una salida a tu situación, pero eso se puede revertir. No te rindas, la muerte no es el final.

Marry me. I'll get you a green card into Canada, but you have to promise to be my loving husband forever, OK?

Its okay, I dont really think it would be possible anyway your country has very tight immigration standards

Es dificil, la perdi hace rato, a principios de año estaba en psicologo y psiquiatra, me medicaron por depresion severa, pero la inflacion hizo que los medicamentos se volvieran imposibles de comprar y llevo rato sin eso, aparte mi novia me dejo y eso me arrastro aun mas hacia abajo, tenia esperanzas, pero se han ido muriendo hasta llegar a este punto y me siento como un peso muerto, no puedo ni ayudar a mis padres.

wait a little more bolsonaro will free the venezuelans from the evil maduro and you won't suffer anymore

im sorry im too far gone for such a thing, i tried having a boyfriend once but it just wasnt my thing

i hope he cleans up the PT trash and foro do sao paulo, thats a big cancer in your country

Good travels, m8, best of luck wherever you're going.

kill yo self quicker

Well, find a girl on the internet then, I'm pretty sure you can easily get a green card through marriage for most countries.

the thing is, i dont want to be saved, i wanted to be able to raise myself, be something, but i dont have that chance, you feel me?

besides im too beta to pull something like that

>tfw the civil police is on socialist side while the army is on conservative authoritarian side
Either way I'm fucked.

Damn, just at this moment our faggot government had to make things hard for Venezuelans to come in. I'm sorry about your situation user, I really hope that you end up not killing yourself, keep waiting for the Chilean visa pal.
>dont let the socialist scum make its way into your countries as it did to mine.
Right now I am not that concerned about lefties, both sides can fuck up a country pretty good. But I wouldn't be surprised to see things becoming shittier by the end of this year.

If you don't care if you die, toss some bottles of water in a bag and walk to another country. It's a better choice than killing yourself.

indonesia isnt so bad, isnt it? you had a good economy

i got some friends in there right now, but theyre struggling hard too.

i live pretty far from the border, and i already made my choice

If that's the case. Then I wish you well user, I hope that your last moments can be peaceful despite your situation.

Just come here while you can, the border will probably be closed next year.
You can have some refugee gibs.

Can we send you money?

get on a boat and come to Canada user, I want a fren to go camping with, I’m so lonely

having no money is one of the reasons for suicide i can appreciate... had very bad thoughts too back then when i couldn't work for a couple of years due to depression which caused a bad apathy on top of having a strong sociophoby and it left me with no money and no perspectives (as i thought)

try not to kill yourself, try to flee the country or something, it can get better eventually
