
Attached: nna.png (840x844, 752K)

Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/_/search/text/fuck off yankoid/country/th/

I'm only going to ask this one more time: where the FUCK is Cokelad you cunts?


*looks around /brit/*
oh look, theres a lot of white men here let's change this

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>A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal

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Absolutely mad that something as beautiful and satisfying to look at as Emma Watson’s buttocks has poos farts coming out of it from time to time.

My favorite scene in Reservoir Dogs is the one where Tim Roth is getting ready to meet the robbers while "Fool For Love" is playing in the background

Shaaadap you grape looking slut

Tarantino's best film?


Nah, the nazi one is.

I found Kill Bill the most entertaining

Me? Classically handsome
Women are attracted to me naturally


reminds me of an ex gf as it was popular at the time.

I like volume 1
Volume 2 is mediocre

But (and it's a big one) I'm a mentally ill freak with schizoid personality so it renders me ugly (long term) (although I still shag whenever I want, basically)

Yes, indeed, quite the predicament

This but they should make a 3 anyway

horse testicles

are rich

in fact 2 isn't bad, 1 is just better

the Lads would like a word with you...

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Just reading the Special Edition about Australia. Fuck me we're amazing

truly the white mans best friend

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Anyone else doing a No Nut November?


wtf are those

thats that killlllaaa shithttps

Nah, I'm doing a no mutt noverember myself

antifa are sending false flag mail bombs that's how polarised america has become

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The boys

I'd like to be
Under the sea
In an octopus' garden

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what the fuck did they mean by this

dogs instinctually respond to the faces and voice patterns of Caucasian people

do you also believe in the Illuminati and think the Jews were behind 9/11

If you weigh up the situation in American politics like you would a market you'd have realised long ago that Trumpstein was far too overbought in Criticism Of The Media which left him open to attack and became a weakness for him which you can see playing out right now

Really makes one think especially considering ya boy Soros is very big on Markets and exploiting them

Where we landing?

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>send out about 20 bombs
>not one goes ofd
pure publicity stunt by the democrats desu

I saw a zoomer on the bus earlier with hair dyed like tekishi 69

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thats that kill NY shit

>Nigger music
Fuck off to Afr...

Holy shit, did you tell him how based and epic that was?

they're really getting desperate now

Kansas city

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*no handle bars starts playing*
*boots Halo 3*

People say soros wants to destroy the west. I don't think that is true. I think he just wants to profit. He makes shit happen that will effect the market the way he wants it.

There should be more comfy documentaries about The Troubles imo

Living in the North literally causes depression. Get me the fuck out of here

This place is not suitable for human habitation.

playing ALTTP randomizer. Wish I could smoke weed but I have to build a website and make a game and get out of poverty and loneliness

nah you're just a wimp who can't hack it

I want to motorboat Emma Watson’s buttocks and have sex with it.

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how many of these apply to you?

Hes an old fuck whos made his money and now just wants to see the world burn with this open society shit hes losing money funding

What would be the ideal European country for me?

I hate NATO

Hates the European Union

I hate the Champions League, I hate the Europe League and I hate the Uefa

I hate the Euro Currency

I'm unironically a neo nazi that doesn't mean i'm too stupid to understand good art

named my cat sakamoto-san

Imagine if the bombs were actually real and successfully killed their targets,

How do you enjoy weed properly? Whenever I smoke I can’t stay focused enough to do anything other than lay in bed and be lost in thought

What do you mean. They are controlled from headquarters

Russia I guess?

thailad once said to me "fuck off yankoid"

Jesus christ this kike female journalist "shana lebowitz" literally just copy and pasted these from quora

gee this chinese parcel tracking sure is detailed and informative

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Did you?


nothing wrong with being Jewish

why do you keep saying this?

doubt it hes like 100 years old
hes just an old kike trying to ruin white countries because he thinks thats a morally good thing to do

>Thinking a mutt will understand this
You're smarter than this

you got to build up a bit of a tolerance, or just exercise a bit, maybe eat something. I always have to be doing something so if I'm too stoned to move I'll be laying in bed playing Morrowind.

Age 9
>No friends
>Never want to go out
>eating disorder
>Spend break time at school wandering a large tree seeing songs to myself and dreaming of a better life

Was I depressed lads?

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ill give you the advice you need if you stop being a name fagging attention whore and man up


Any tiktok memes man in?

any of you spastics ITT

take some acid to powerwash your shit brain and get your priorities in order

I want everyone to know you're prejudiced

no you were just autistic

And why would Belarus be my ideal europe country?

And why would Russia be my ideal europe country?

Soros? Soros is one of the only billionaires to criticise the state of Israel to the point he's been called antisemitic numerous times. Not only that, but when you consider he went around with Nazis in his youth finding Jews because his father bought false papers (and he LAUGHS while retelling this) then it really does make one think. He's enemy number 1 of the Trump campaign and a bunch of other people because he is probably the most perfect example of an amoral businessman. He might even be a self hating Jew, who knows. But really, people hate him (the alt-right, I mean) because they want to do the same thing as him (funding groups to further his personal goals) but they can't because they're not billionaires and have 0 power.

Soros really is pretty "based", he just has his own goals and pursues them. If you read Alchemy of Finance you'll find it's not surprising he's so wealthy. He's an outsider within the elite.

There is a great quote but I can't remember where I read or w.e. it but it's something along the lines of "fascists and conservatives hate anyone with enough power to be 'fascist' or scheme in such a way, but it's because secretly they want to be the one doing the scheming, but they can't, they want to replace the 'system' with their own version of the 'system;" fuck knows, i'll have to try find it

Don't know of any 9 year olds having depression. Maybe got the autism

maybe you should apologise
it seems you have gravely offended this yank gentleman

wait how do you fuck up your life at age 9 what the fuck thats a record

was sitting in the ChiroPractor's ofc. today and i Have to say most of the music made me want to go home

Bit long this one

Wow these threads are fast. What happens here?

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This stuff with the Proud Boys shows the futility of revolt in a modern state: advanced surveillance techniques mean that any rebel movement that shows even a little potency is effortlessly crushed

Fuck off Yank

imagine unironically typing anything over 150 characters in /brit/

desuarchive.org/_/search/text/fuck off yankoid/country/th/

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I was the shy kid from the age of 3
doomed from the start
broken brain

Nothing fuck off

if you're post requires more than 4 lines, delete it

if the flow dont kill you
the mac willl

this is the future

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