Ummmm...find it

Especially Link marines
Find it

He mentions Oracle's

Will reveal alot more after someone posts a link and finds it.

Time for some neets to do some work!

Go go go

Attached: image-20160502-19517-1jr2sth.png (926x559, 622K)

Other urls found in this thread:

But CW is a hack why should that matter?

In good time when you or someone else does some work, rather than being spoon-feed, you'll realise.

Find the link and share it below, and I'll reply and explain more.


Dude fuck off, were gonna make it with or without your LARP. saged

Ma nigga


You think I'm a larp.

Listen in 24 hours I'll prove it

Tomorrow at 6:30 UCT time

I'll post a video of him talking about Oracle's. Most of you last neets need to be spoon fed everything

Go and search and try finding it. Or wait 24 hours

If I ain't larping you owe me 100 links! You on?

Keep the same trip fagot and keep the 100 Link ready !

>try and find something about Oracle's
>Oracle ' s
>i will prove it in 24h wanna make a bet now?
>bet now
>reddit spacing
are you trying to look retarded?

Like I said, we don’t need you to make it. We’re gonna make it no matter.

wait, betting oracles?
am confuse.
wtf is this shit?

>On phone

23 hours and 50 minutes....tick tock

your logic is still shit. saged

There's a video with CW where he talks about and mentions Oracle and a few other interesting things

Now if someone can be bothered to do some work, rather than being spoon-feed they can find it.

If not I'll post the video and explain in 24 hours

Then some fagot calls me a larp. Do you think I would larp on something this specific?

Anyway, guessing no one will find it. So come back tomorrow this time , I'll share video and explain the other parts

If anyone else thinks I'm a larp. They can go fk themselves and see tomorrow

Trying to help some good annos, by sharing something I found to those annons who always share and go the extra mile, rather than those lazy slackers who call others larps

No idiot, we just don't care if you're a larp or not. We comfy with LINK regardless of what a bitchtits boozefiend thinks about oracles.

Can he even actually "think" at all with all the alcohol he's drinking?

extra sage

Attached: chemsage.png (650x420, 202K)

You found an interview what mentions oracles and now want me to sit through hours of videos to find this and then share it with pajeet? I don't think so, bud. This isn't even helpful. No one here is fence sitting.

wait, isnt that the guy who falsely claims to be satoshi?

This is the gayest post I've ever seen. Just share the video you piece of shit, otherwise it's not important.


stop flag reddit fags like to do that spacing because they will adapt and then we will have fewer ways to detect these fags.

Attached: 1520271086961.jpg (1024x768, 231K)


Lol, who cares?

LMAO who gives a fuck what some faggoty old fraud thinks