Instead of russia communism will be installed in western europe this time

instead of russia communism will be installed in western europe this time

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And it will succeed thanks to automation and the technological singularity.

literally the only country that could realistically go commie is France and maaaaaybe italy since they like to toggle between extremes. even then EU will stop it.

I wish
but it won't, at least not for a long LONG time

Even in capitalism, european workers had more rights than russian ones. Imagine what happens when the workers take over.

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>Even in capitalism, european workers had more rights than russian ones
like what

>the far right is getting more and more influental
>the mainstream politics are getting either more conservative or more neoliberal
but yeah, those sjws sure are annoying, they surely prove that we're headed for communis.

Communism is ok if done properly

boomers are going to die eventually and the younger generations are being indoctrinated into becoming commies

again only in the usa and maybe uk.
france has always been dirty commies

while teens in the rest of (western) europe are extremely fond of us race politics, not even university cucks take marxist econ seriously like americans do

The only reason your elites granted you guys the rights you have right now is because of us. The capitalists were afraid of a workers' revolution breaking out the same wawy it happened here and decided to prevent that by shortening your work week, giving you highers wages, etc...

M8 it's the centre right neocons which are getting more popular. Even social democrats have been loosing a lot of support. Commies have always been a fringe group


indoctrinated into becoming commies? what makes you say that?

Millenials are the most free trade oriented generation. Not even our leftist want socialism. When boomers die out last remnants for that era dies away with it. It's a fading ideology in Europea.

More paid leave, longer holidays, ability to move freely and change jobs relatively easy.

We had functioning unions before you queers had your revolution.

>before you queers had your revolution.

um sweaty

Nice non-retarded argument

In Hungary workers received free housing. Free housing. Free education. 2 weeks holiday at Balaton lake, commies ones at the Back sea. Children spent the whole summer camping. Nowadays people can't afford to go on a holiday. No wonder many people miss papa Kádár.

It's not really free though.

Yeah, I know, but people loved it.

Yeah it's always nice to spend the money of someone else without thinking about it. What I heard from taxi drivers in Budapest is that it was ok but there was little to no room for progression in your job or field at all, you had one job and task and that was it. The rest was sorta taken care of and most didn't care much about it.

West virgina
Mountin mama
Take me hom
Contry rods

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Yeah, literal NPC world. Don't question anything and you can live an average life without any hardship. Of course the economy was cracking since the 70s and in the 80s the country went kinda bankrupt, but the masses really didn't know it. They just felt that the system is not okay. No wonder we had so many suicides and alcoholism in the 80s.

>Nowadays people can't afford to go on a holiday.
The opposite really. Traveling has become much cheaper. When I was a kid only rich kids could afford to go on holiday to Spain for example. Now even the poorest of poor can do that

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Maybe in Western Europe.

Really depends on the country desu

ah yes, all of which are much better than free housing, universal healthcare and free education.
and I have my doubts about your points anyway.
well done m8

It doesn't matter. Our communism would be successful, because we are not subhumans. We elect leaders who will take care of our countries and our people. We do what is good for us, not what is good for our elites.

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Healthcare with years waiting lists and shitty healthcare in terms of quality isn't something to brag about. Free education with shitty teachers and free housing in a dump isn't something special either. It's only maintainable for a short amount of time as you'll run out of money to spend