Quebec girls

I'm from the French part of Switzerland and I want to know if québécoises would like a swiss man? Can I get one? I'm not fat, decent looking and can be funny(by swiss standards which is worse than Germans in some cases)??
Also what do they normally look like? Are they better looking than other Canadian girls?
On peut parler français si vous voulez, je comprends votre situation un peu particulière..

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Depends, how are you culturally? French men and Quebec girls don't get along at all, there's even articles about it :

I'm half american and I'm not french, I'm swiss french, it's hard to explain but there's a difference! Like for example we eat carac (pic related) but I'm more american usually but I love switzerland

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Also this article isn't super clear at times, but Quebec girls mostly want men who are dependable more than anything. A girl will care more about your ability to fix shit in a house than about how many books you read.

post bobs

Also pic related is pretty standard, it's the "average cute" of Quebec, or maybe more the Montreal area, but that's probably where you'll be anwyway.

Attached: Quebecuties and a Vancouver tourist.png (901x674, 1.44M)

And some bar pics for more average women.

Attached: Bar4.jpg (1240x828, 112K)

Sorry but no bobs here, I'm a guy
I'm somewhat dependable that's my more american part

Attached: Barr2.jpg (1240x827, 145K)

Also tell me about their political leanings? Are they right wing? Left wing? I'm a conversative do they like that?

In Montreal mostly left but it's not uncommon for Quebecers to be left wing, nationalist and anti-immigration.

>I'm from the French part of Switzerland

Stopped reading there

Wow! Why is the german part so rude to us? We haven't done anything to you..
Ps I'm not from Geneva if that's the issue

What about shitskin spics like me? How do they see us? I've been thinking of moving there, from what I've seen it's really to immigrate if you speak French and have a degree.

Is that just for muslim refugees or does that include people like me? I'm not religious btw

What is that green tiddy?

Anti everybody who isn't Christian/Secular French speaker basically. Gov likes to import sandniggers but the new one wants to ban a lot of religious clothes and symbols for public workers so it might scare them a bit.

A cake like dessert. It's primarily chocolate inside, the green is like a sugar paste thing and it's surrounded by pastry. Very tasty

Elles sont mignonnes :)

Je n’amie pas elles

C'est rigolo, je ne me serait pas attendu a ce qu'il y ait autant de différences.
Même moi qui ne suis pas vraiment un normet peut confirmer la plupart des choses dit sur les français et la séduction en France.
Je me demande si la partie québécoise est aussi accurate que la partie française

You are not swiss

This. Qubecoise girls prefer black bvlls.

>it's anothee "foreigner wants to steal our women" episode

Oui elle l'est. Les femmes sont très égales ici et agissent comme tel. Mais elles ne sont pas moins féminines pour autant, beaucoup de femmes ici aiment "cuisiner pour leur homme" par exemple, juste qu'elles s'attendent à être traiter comme un égal et non comme quelqu'un de soumis. Elle va cuisiner, mais pas parce que c'est son devoir, mais parce qu'elle aime faire plaisir.

So basically: Quebecois are sissy faggot that can't take any banter and let their women decide for them?
Whatthe fuck? Is this true? If yes quebecois are total subsmissive cucks.

So that's why they voted to remain being part of Canada twice?

Attached: Sin título.png (410x573, 26K)

Probably. They need some french bvlls, leashing their women and throwing insults at the anglos, two things they seem unable to do

i'm pretty sure that latinos are mostly respected here

>but I'm more american usually
lel wut. I bet you're more like 99% American.

tu sais pas lire ou quoi? l'homme québécoia s'attend au bantz de sa femme alors que le français en est incapable.

L´article dit explicitement que les Quebecois ne comprennent pas la bantère et se font mener par leurs femmes

Non, ça dit que les québecoises n'aiment pas les moqueries amicales venant d'étrangers, ça ne parle en rien des hommes.

pourtant moi j'ai compris que les français sont incapables de comprendre la bantère d'une québécoise

Ah mais je ne parlais pas vraiment du coté égalitaire, le pense que chez les jeunes femmes française il y a beaucoup ce coté la également.
C'est plus la partie concernant les traits d'esprit et l'expression des sentiments.
Enfin pour moi ce moquer gentiment et s'insulter pour rigoler c'est la base, je serait vraiment perdu si les gens prenait toute la merde que je sort constamment au 1er degrés

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stop posting the same image in every québec thread I literally hate you
sale espèce de mongole

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Les Québécoise sont des Françaises Américanisées, donc elles ne savent sans doute pas ce qu'est un Hélvète, car désolé pour toi, mais vous êtes pas relevant.

Je suis aussi moitié américain, dont je suis américanisé comme tu le dis. La deuxième chose, mouais, peut être oui ou non, mais c'est pas comme la suisse est un pays inconnu, hein?

You are just mountain krauts. If Romands are not Swiss, then Swiss don't exist