why the FUCK is our g spot in the ass?
Why the FUCK is our g spot in the ass?
To have hot buttsex, perhaps?
god is gay
>not expl0iting your boi p*cci in 2018
So that holding your shit in feels good.
imagine having no g-spot whilst taking a big shit
so gaycocks feel good
what is g spot? its the psot where shit comes from?
yeah i would rather shit from ass than my mouth dipshit
Where would a better spot be?
god is gay
Men don't have a G-spot, but the prostate that pushes Semen out can be reached through the ass
i'm a girl
my g spot is in my bagina
ikr. It sounds awful.
So that cute Belgian boys will like it when we fuck them in the butt
No complaints here tbqh.
Where in bangina?
So that when you have to shid and fard you first hop on a grill and shid and fard while freeking her. It's for efficiency purposes.
The ancient Greco-Roman peoples knew this.
Not even most of the modern "civilized" world has recovered since.
draw a map to find the treasure
theres no such thing
holding one in right now, why is our creator so based?
So my sexual fantasies involving finnish bois seem legitimate
I want to go out and watch a movie with the megumin finn and walk around holding his small hand
After that I want to fuck him in the ass raw, filling his ass to its limits with every thrust, opening his anal cavity to a newfound world of pleasure
After cumming a big sticky load inside his boipussy I wouldnt even take my dick out, just fall asleep with him on top of me and let my morning wood kickstart the next round
Finnish boipussy belongs to big hard cocks...
What does it feel like to have a cock hit your prostate
boobs or gtfo
you should try it sometime, it's an inexplicable experience
you're not banned
thanks, im actually evading a ban
Makes you feel like you need to pee
Obviously farther than you able to reach.
>Admitting it
You fool, evading a ban is grounds for permabanning.
then ill just evade again
You absolute madman
based interracial mexibro poster
There's a lot of erogenous zones in the body, kid.
wait, butt orgasm feels better than cumming?
>doesn't want to admit that the most important one is inside his asshole
its because male and female genitalia arise from the same embryological structures, for instance the genital tubercle which becomes the clitoris in girls, becomes the glans penis in males, which is partially why the underpart is so sensitive