A hot chick just asked me how many bitcoins i have

I dont have any btc but i do have some link. What should i say. Should i just tell her my sat value in link

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Just don't say anything

Be yourself and remember your frens

Oh shit you getting staked dude get out there

Just tell her shes's a dumbass for thinking all crypto is BTC... and ask what guy taught her about crypto. This is a white mans world

Lie. She has no way of knowing and she can never get it. Also you can't show her cause Bitcoin has no use


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not enough to retire
if she keeps pushing tell her its none of her business
you dont go around asking people how much money they have in the bank either

shill Link

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Just say "Enough"

Gets her guessing and thinking about how much you might actually have

Dodged a bullet there user, golddiggers don't usually reveal what they want so early into a relationship or "friendship"

Lol at the amount of autism in this thread

This. Also, makes you more mysterious (which girls find attractive).

State your link marine rank as you whip out your 3 inch cock

I'll answer it for you. Say you have 21 bitcoins safely stored in a cold wallet, but you're not willing to spend them anytime soon. The private key is protected and it's pretty much impossible to retrieve that money right now.

Maybe the hot girl is real, maybe it's a guy trying to scam you. So tell her you're crypto rich (so that she will want to fuck you) but you aren't going to use your private key under any circumstance (so that she can't steal you).

Ok guys thanks for the advice. I messaged back "enough link to last a lifetime" so she will think im mysterious

That's not a good answer, I think she will insist and ask you again. Just make up a number. Tell her is about 100 bitcoins or something like that.
The only thing that matters is that you get to fuck her. Then you can probably dump her since golddiggers aren't optimal partners for long-term relationships.


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show her larpfolio with 100+ bitcoin and she will suck your dick OP

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this actually works

i run a small business and whenever people ask me how much I make all I say is "enough." could be as little as a hundred grand, could be millions and I'm just saving. They have no idea.

You're not obliged to tell her the truth. Tell her that you have 100+ BTC. She wants to play, play her hard.

She is probably just looking to suck some rich guys cokc.

Obviously no marriage material.

Tell her info is knowledge, knowledge is power, and power is pussy. Then have a fake portfolio in place when you are alone.

cringe thread?

tell her you dont talk about money and give an enigmatic look full of confidence. she will think you have a shitton, and will find you principled

A guy is a creepy weirdo unless he is rich and/or attractive. Then he's "mysterious".

It's a dude. Pretty soon "she'll" offer to send you a video, and you'll accept out of desperation. After that your Link will disappear. GG.

download btc client source modify source so it shows 100btc more on balance. show her the wallet running. she will worship your penis in every way possible.

also ask me how many times my dick got sucked!

just tell her how many 0xBitcoins you have and that it's like buying bitcoin back in 2010

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start playing at line 270! it's not gonna be that easy, but it's not hard.