Just why?
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is it a pc case?
That's a sexy building
We can't have skyscrapers because the ground is too spft so we have those
lmao the whole building looks like it's saying "please end my suffering"
not only is your ground too soft
Is that the one that literally set someones car on fire?
No chance of your ground being too soft as we bombed it to bits. Dresden, never forget, never apologise.
it's a cool building tbqh
better than anything in spain
Yes, there's a film out there of someone frying an egg on the floor too.
we rebuild it who cares
You do.
I got nothing to do with Dräsdn
Probably build by Sauds. Arent most skyscrapers in London owned by Arabs?
Shut up you stupid german brute. We civilised you "people"
oi wot if yew made a billin' that looked loike one a dem cumpyoo'as that'd be a laff and a haff innit?
Oy mate
it was designed by rafael vinoly who is uruguayan
Would love to hear you say that in your autistic robot german accent
The Shard is cool, so is the LLoyds of London building; but the London has some of the worst skyscrappers, including OP's pic, and the giant butt-plug.
>Just why?
They had procured a propa loicense from Her Majesty's Guvnahment to build it so they did.
at least you can stick ours up your arse and enjoy
London architectural adventurisme always make me in a good mood.
in which I mix some black person slang in
>We can't have skyscrapers
>have some of the tallest buildings in Europe
that's london not england
know the difference
Fuck outta her friedrich
In comparison to american skyscrapers, chavee
ur big fat mom? just gimme a sec I'm almost done
>and the giant butt-plug.
the gherkin is unironically beautiful
>that's london not england
and where is london? in pakistan?
it's like catalunya and spain
london is an independent city state
nothing to do with me
>In comparison to american skyscrapers, chavee
That's because of flight paths, not soft soil.
Demolish this now
*demolishes your jaw*
You don't want to be left on the wrong side of architecture?
honestly if i could murder every single post war architect with the push of a button i would walk away with a clean conscience
Spain + UK + Qatar should start the titan dildo club.
>spike on the end of a dildo
For those brave enough
This unironically looks a lot better in person, it's absolutely fucking huge and so you don't really see the oddity of its shape.
unironically yes
Even Quinlan Terry?
it`s one one few skyskrapers that i like.looks futuristic and cool
sometimes a sacrifice must be made for the greater good