ZRX getting ready to blast off boys

>Bull pennant set
>Coinbase listing imminent

Attached: zrxundervaluated.gif (1000x563, 766K)

Too late to catch the moon

6200 0x is my biggest crypto bag, will I make it??????

You will easily make it. I will make it with my bag of only 1,300 as well.

I hope so, fren

CoinbasePro is literally gonna be entirely based off of 0x’s tech. Even if it’s not listed tonight do not sell this coin it could easily reach $25 in 1-2 years.

fuck I missed the pump again fuck me

>$25 in 1-2 years
i need my gains now stellar has put me -40%

How does coinbase use an erc20 token as exchange technology? Dumb fucks lmao

Is the current price a good entry point? I don’t want to get rekt for catching this at the top

He fell for stellar shills
Come on new fren

yeah i fell for the snek memes

stellar is hella shit sorry to hear this. luckily youre here reading about zrx so its not too late for you

went all in on zrx 2 weeks ago

Patience user. Bulls and Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered!

I’m using layman’s terms faggot. Coinbase bought Paradex which is built off of 0x. They’re turning Paradex into CoinbasePro which is due out this summer. Only dumb fuck will be you missing out these gains.

>knows nothing about ZRX

>0x is only a token
>He’s not aware of the 0x protocol
>He’s not aware Paradex is built on the 0x protocol
>He’s not aware Coinbase acquired Paradex to host their new Coinbase PRO trading platform

Jesus Christ no wonder you fags never make it. You don’t even DYOR

literally the biggest cup and handle

Attached: zrx052918.png (1914x921, 313K)

Nice FUD.

It hit 20k sats when the ANNOUNCEMENT WAS MADE THAT COINBASE BOUGHT A DEX. It's only at 16k now. During the listing tonight it will go to 28k sats easily. Guess you don't want to double your money. Look @ Bcash in december. Very similar pattern.

Nigga tonight it’s only maintenance. Coinbased said if they’re listing a coin they’ll announce it ahead of time.

I'm so fucked if REQ doesn't get listed

Then you're fucked