since I know all you mouth-breathing NEETs can't do math if it takes more than 10 fingers and toes, I'll clue you in to a ridiculously low market cap token that is about to blast off...
Since I know all you mouth-breathing NEETs can't do math if it takes more than 10 fingers and toes...
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these nipples offend me
Based on that cap its either MobileGo, IoTeX or TradeToken
good lord
wow are these partnerships confirmed? fishy since I think everyone would have heard about all these partnerships of they were true
those are the companies from which they poached their all-star team...
this gonna moon so hard when they start announcing partnerships lined up
Biz has been shilling this for a week..... smells like pajeet
When moon user? Loading error: not found lel
Ok user I just placed some buy order! you better be right
just look at the writing, its pajeet city
those random caps, the random periods, only fucking pajeets think that shit looks cool - fuck off you street shitters
I need sauce on this woman, please.
Nobody has to get hurt
Y u no tell me biz???????????????????????? Where to buyyyyyy????????????????
Wtf I ain't done accumulating. This is my secret moon
is balina gonna shill it more?
Are those the same kind of "partnerships" that vechain had?
Why would I ever believe that this pajeet is about to moon?
This looks way too promising
What's the catch (other than pajeet alarm bells ringing)
should I buy some? We'r the early buyers?
Early adopters lol
Na man it came out like a week ago. You're late as fuck.
I use a calculator you fucken faggot
In like flynn will make you hole again