Why we need 1000 suicides EOY

>meme magic requires sacrifice
>to turn link into 1000$ EOY jerked off cum is not enough
>we need human sacrifice to make this happend
>willing human sacrifice

basically we just need wait until 1000 crypto related suicides will happen and the meme magic will do its rest.

Attached: 1000+.png (1190x1140, 632K)

Other urls found in this thread:


congratulation bagholdink linkie
>now you have blood on your hands while you are holding link

This wave of suicides is Link-ed to the cryto markets.

It's has to be the top 1000 wallets

If the top 1000 wallets commit suicide it will remove enough supply to make 1000 eoy feasible

Including the devs ?

Attached: 1525874283550.jpg (1071x561, 69K)

OK, LINK is now officially a cult.
I'm out.

There are no devs.
Only Sergey and his diploma


>implying it never was

we need the lower wallets
>bottom up

But it used to be a harmless one.
Now these cultists are out to get their blood tribute.

Sacrifices? Care to elaborate more on the theory.

what, besides money, is your sacrifice towards chainlink?
>and besides jerking off to anime porn

You fucking idiot, why would you think eliminating the top 1000 wallets of the project?

Do you even realize that would include the team members of Chainlink, their advisors, their partners and clients, wealthy people like me etc al.

Sacrifice may be useful. Better to covertly sacrifice a few animals in the name of success for Chainlink and the increase in price for the LINK token.

I'd pay money for the meme magicians and occult-lovers in the community to fulfill this task.

won’t work. the sacrifice, if alive, needs to be willing to sacrifice itself fo the chainlink cause
>we need to meme brainwash more into this

To make this interesting, I'd contribute $500 USD payable in today's prices in LINK to make it worth your while. Proof is needed.

it would also work if we can convince girls into making chainlink themed porn
>sex magickkkk
>willing sacrifice
>in the name of chainlink

Wait, are you actually funding LINK sacrifices?


We could all live in a Waco style compound together Jow Forums, c'mon it'll be fun

What am I supposed to to with all these black cocks then?

1000 EOY

the closer the chainlink themed porn to biz and chainlink itself the better
>talk asian girls into chainlink themed porn
>usage of burgers in the porn sequences
>pink wojak cameo’s
>piles of money

and the final cumshot must somehow strongly be chainlink themed. not only visual by logo, colors and symbols… but also some metaphysical level, i.e. some autistic shit only autists will maybe figure out one day. on your work linkie stinky! find the girls to participate!

Group magick

Get a large group of people to create a sigil dedicated to the success of Chainlink and the Link token and happiness and financial freedom for LINK HODLERs.

Create an egregore which serves our purposes to transform the world and make LINk the token that is such.

5€ EOY

For an extra pot of great fortune we could have participants also include their own personal spiritual practices towards the envisioned goal in order to leverage that energy as well.

>a sigil dedicated to the success of Chainlink

Link is fecund with the pink wojaks of the past 4 months and it will accumulate more power the more selling there is. The season of sacrifice is almost over.


You're clearly not versed in the occult and manipulating the fabric of reality.

the sigil may intensify in its powers if you use the hexagonal way to achieve its structure. pic related.

Attached: cube.jpg (523x603, 23K)

Nice design, care to elaborate a bit more on its purpose and any other additional tidbits? The more of us, the better.

>talk girls into "chainlink themed" porn
>record it
>place sigils in said / shown design
>theme the cumshot scene (it's sperm sacrifice)

the willingness of the girl you convinced into some kinky crypto chainlink themed porn is powerful. the sperm cumshot in honor to chainlink and it's success is powerful too. the sigils you place boosten all of this. you can make powerful magic. upload it on the web and post the links on biz. when we jerk off to this porn we will intensify the magickk even more. one thought connected in various pornographic toned but chainlink themed imagery and symbolism.

Group energy collected towards a goal can gain egregore status. From that point on, it will have a group will to achieve the aim for which it was designed.

We should program an egregore/servitor to help us achieve EOY $500 at least.

I believe in the power of magick. With the amount of energy we all dedicate to being autists, we may as well leverage some spirits to help us achieve our goals.

by some massive ritual that includes it all
>chainlink themed sigils
>chainlink themed color magic
>chainlink themed sex magic
>magickk in honor to chainlink
>sex and sperm to give the egregore its initial kickstart


Let's use our group will to influence reality.

We could totally create an spirit

this would be an massive injection towards the 1000$ EOY. imagine we could all watch chainlink themed porn directed by us so we can all watch it and be connected via the jerking off to it. 1000$ EOY eeeeasy!!!

That energy has begun to influence reality in a small probabilistic way, but the more people join us, the better chances we have in accomplishing this task. I will share a sigil soon that we can all power and charge.

and thou shall seeketh the girl to sexcrifice chainlink themed pornography

>implying the past 8 months of memes haven't been orchestrated ritual

Sigil created:

Statement of Intent:
"It is our will for which the Link token associated with Chainlink will exponentially increase in monetary value in 2018 and beyond.

Attached: Group Sigil for Chainlink.png (300x300, 8K)

not to the level of reality changing so that we can jerk off together while watching chainlink themed porn
>needs to improve asap


so my dear stinke linke. this is one sigil for example you could hide in plain sight while you are filming the porn scene with the willing girl. get it?

soon chainlink porn

Exactly, we must place this sigil dedicated to LINK everywhere online and printed out. The sigil has been charged and birth already with our attention placed on it.


stinke linke next hint: if you create your own sigils for the link of cause it will be more powerful
>depending on your level or retardism of course

but you can get the job. you can talk girls into some weird kinky stuff. r-r-r-rrrrriiiiight?
>if you think "no" you will never enter the parallel reality stream where link truly will reach 1000$ EOY

create the sigil within the hexagram and within the cube and on its sides

use it as a gateway template
>design all your symbols that way

learn how to perceive the cube
the cube
the cube
the cube

All you occultfags realize that you need to change your behavior to manifest the will that you create through ritual, right? If you don't learn how to operate a node or make adapters or figure out how to integrate the technology in some way, your sigils mean nothing

true. and besides:

be careful what you wish. it may become true.

>I'm just here to troll now and then with some larping or shitposting

You don't get it, energy in the occult world towards a goal, whether it be through siglls or sacrifices collects that energy given to it to fulfill its will.

Those who power the sigil will of course be changed in the process. Life has cause and effect dynamics.

For everyone who chooses to use this sigil for the aim of an exponential increase for the chainlink token, be sure you are prepared to live with the consequences of having an unexpected financial windfall.

Now I'm convinced.
A psyops is going down right now on Jow Forums

Just yesterday we have an supposed larpfest related to Q, wikileaks somehow related to delphi and now this bullshit thread about suicides. What kind of sick fuck is into this?

Check the thread by yourself:
Oh, that's right. Jow Forums deleted it even with +200 responses. We only have the archive here: warosu.org/biz/thread/S9655412

This response was interesteing:
>So either one of these?
>The Delphi group is an effort to radicalize bizlets and specifically Chainlink holders....
>They are actually a cover up from an alphabet agency to manipulate the market of crypto....

>The question in both is what for?


Attached: PSYOPS.jpg (1116x408, 109K)

but there’s always this unholy catch to it… you know…
>that’s why Jesus = #1

>quick rundown please

This doesn't sound like a bad problem to have sure, but psychologists have indicated that at a certain point of financial success, one becomes disconnected in terms of their ability to empathy and compassion.

but can’t be irreversible, or?

The world is comprised of many different energetic fields.

The proposed method is a suggestion for biz to implement to manifest its will for exponential increase for the token in a rapid amount of time and for it to continue growing henceforward.

I've practiced magick for a number of years and have been inducted in a group of shared minded folks within their spiritual journey.

The power of the occult to transform the world is a gift to man (should he use it responsibly).

I've noticed a few days ago on the number of people who are Chainlink Hodlers who indicated that LINK is their hope to live a better life.

For some it is the method in which they can escape the life of working for someone else.

I only offer a tool that can be leveraged to transform the lives of all Chainlink Hodlers.

The choice is up to those who use this gift, and to report the findings in due time.

yeah for biz. can’t wait to see some chainlink porn.

pig if true

>Apparently either CIA or other agency is posting here in Jow Forums just like Q did in Jow Forums
>They have beeng using Larps as a means to instill to the Jow Forums board for the need of insider information, it's gamification. The next step is indoctrination.
>Just as in ElsaGate, individuals are targeted with psyops to demoralize and subvert them

Once the magick is unleashed with multiple people doing the working, then it cannot be changed.

This is why one must think about the impact.

Sure, one wishes to have financial success, but are you willing to live with the life changes it will bring to you in terms of your everyday relationships, your work, and your connection to the next human?

Are you prepared to live a life where you never want for money? The downside is that suspicion that some only want you for what they don't have. What's that you ask? Your wealth, clearly.

Think long and hard and choose if this is the life you want to live.

I only know this will work.

Try it and report back the findings. This is group magick to create/birth a powerful egregore to serve us.

focus more to convince people into making chainlink themed porn
>cut the eso yadda yadda

better that the same 1000 men learn to use high powered rifles and scopes and go and kill 3 billionaires. 3,000,000$ each for the men who will kill billionaires

Damn those digits though

No psy-op.

Chainlink has serious memetic potential.
By incorporating its existing memetic design and adding in magick as a boost, we will see unimaginable change.

Screenshot this only after practicing the sigil or creating your own dedicated to the exponential increase of Chainlink.

Look at the digits which birthed the sigil dedicated to Chainlink.

This thread is a touch of the magick process.

500 dollar for a chainlink themed sex magickk video?

Bud, I don't intend this to be negative: you write like a neophyte tail chasing new ager, and imo you should take that as a sign to re-evaluate your perspective. Just who do you think you serve with this convoluted stuff?
Also, assuming you have well-meaning but naive intent: it is not a good thing to shill somebody else's sigil to the uninitiated.

For a magick ritual dedicated to the exponential success of Chainlink and its token LINK.

Charge the sigil and report back

the dude is offering 500 dollar if you can convince some girl to play in some chainlink themed porn!!!!!!!!!
>awaken linke stinke
>pay street hooker 20$
>pay her extra 20$ to do some weird chainlink themed shit
>sell for 500$

ooooooooor…. do you h a t e m o n e y ? ? ? ?

Magick, not porn.

if you are going to go full people sacrifice then at least kill jews so you help the world

sex magick, not porn, but porn and sex magick

I’m out. Thanks for reading my utter shit and nonsense. You really are the most retarded of them all. Good night imbecile faggots.

I don't trust a sigil made by somebody I don't know, sorry my dude.

you guys are autistic.

This shit isn't funny. Please will some american report this shit to the fbi or something?

This. Scrolling through this whole thread makes me sick. Only thing more cringeworthy is spelling magic with a k

Don't worry about that. After link hits 1000$, non linkers will suffer from non-linker syndrome, which in many cases will be fatal.

I'm just waiting until mainnet. Don't honestly give a fuck about the drop until then. In fact, I hope this shit gets to $0.20 before launch just so I can buy really fucking hard.

it's the absolute state of link holding and the delusional meme magic reatards on this board


That gets pruned but this stays.

looks like we are on to somethingt legit. we cant let it die.,

possibly ran out of control because the shit got weirder and weirder and weirder
>the absolute state of this board

told ya

and besides: remember the great depression as it is portrayed with dozens of suicides? they never happened not even close to the scale as it is portryayed.

on top: it’s a meme. triggered by bradley manning’s attention whore fake suicide crap. that’s it. psyops… ouw boy..


I was just in this thread, I got 11 dubs in response to a post with 11 dubs, which then got 22 and 33 responses, which then resulted in a 404. I am concern.

did u save any of the screencaps form the op so we can start another thread, we need to get the word out, we should reach out to pol too.

dubba di da dabba da dooby weeny stinkie linkie pinki dinki

I didnt get any caps, I was thinking about it as I refreshed and got hit with the 404. IDK how to work warosu, so if anyone can locate the thread you would be a beloved linkie brother.

piniki diniki winiki dinki linkie doomp eet NOW

Our Chainlink Egregore has been introduced today and have already produced magickal events to transpire with 5 set of dubs in less than an hour of its birth and existence.

Attached: Chainlink in Space.png (500x379, 110K)

Holy shit,

I just mentioned the egregore and we got another set of dubs associated with it.


thank me later faggot

Did you notice the new set of dubs?

Another set of dubs:

>Stinky linkies

Dubs shall domp eet

Attached: 1518319665259.png (778x778, 112K)