Why we need 1000 suicides EOY

>meme magic requires sacrifice
>to turn link into 1000$ EOY jerked off cum is not enough
>we need human sacrifice to make this happend
>willing human sacrifice

basically we just need wait until 1000 crypto related suicides will happen and the meme magic will do its rest.

Attached: 1000+.png (1190x1140, 632K)

Other urls found in this thread:


congratulation bagholdink linkie
>now you have blood on your hands while you are holding link

This wave of suicides is Link-ed to the cryto markets.

It's has to be the top 1000 wallets

If the top 1000 wallets commit suicide it will remove enough supply to make 1000 eoy feasible

Including the devs ?

Attached: 1525874283550.jpg (1071x561, 69K)

OK, LINK is now officially a cult.
I'm out.

There are no devs.
Only Sergey and his diploma


>implying it never was

we need the lower wallets
>bottom up