How to deal with emptiness?

How to deal with emptiness?

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What drug is best for beating this problem?

I can't concentrate on watching shows because pain in my head is louder than any sounds

bideo games

WORK and when you are not working, drink beer

My mental illness blocks me to focus on anything
Is stimulant bad if your mood swings like a rollercoaster?

I fill it with food.

Self improvement. Meditate, exercise and read.

depends on what stimulant. talk to your doc, Jow Forums doesn't know shot about this subject

>be me
>feel empty and desire sudoku as usual
>try to read or do chores to distract myself
>5 mins later
>back to my problems, want sudoku

Like caffein or nicotine

What do when you get tired of food?

nah, they shouldn't be at least. if you experience any side effects like nausea or anything unusual, then yeah
but it sounds like you're suffering from depression. go see your doc

Unfortunately I'm almost always in the mood for eating. I try not to eat because I'm going to gain back all the weight I've lost.

sleep with a boy

What foods comfort you most?

Sleeping doesn't fill your emptiness

I eat a lot of bread.

come here on the alps, we'll stay one night in nature, sleeping in tents, smoking a cigar and having good grappa while listening to music in front of a campfire. This is what I do.

Eat some kimchi.

start a project

Sounds disgusting
Outside is full of dangers and germs
I would rather stay in somewhere safe with internet

>full of dangers
you have billions of bacteria in your intestine that keep you alive, the keyboard you touch everyday is full of basteria and your touchscreen phone is even worse, we don't live in a sterilised world


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KYS tranny
Anons asking how to deal with emptiness, not about transitioning into a mentally ill faggot!

Are you the brit lad always posting his female pics

I was just posting the average korean poster

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