I hate them

I hate them

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You really need to find a better hobby than posting here then

Replace Turkey with Singapore.

Shitty thread kys

>turkey and greece
>not finland or czechia or slovenia

Israel, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, and Greece are all hanging by a thread.

stf nigger

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I just searched for first world countries in google images

>no one posts in his shit, unpopular thread

sad! kys

>Turkey 1st world
>Slovenia isn't


And Finland too. Finland is definitely first world.

Also Czechia would be above Slovenia - Czechia has a higher GDP per capita.

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Oh look, another "I think first/second/third world means money" thread on Jow Forums

finland is first world even by the cold war definition.

>I don't have money in the first world

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It says in the corner it’s to do with the Cold War you illiterate bunch of cunts

>have a shitty country full of shitty people and a shitty culture
>mad at better countries because you know you'll never even be close to them

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Um actually Greater Sweden (Sweden) and Lesser Sweden (Finland) were Third World Countries during the Cold War swetty

No se si tus threads son bait o no pero ya me tienen hasta la vrga

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Why these countries?

>1st world

>United States
>1st world

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I’m just a thirdie but fine to u

first world is a bullshit term

Finland was considered first world after the mid-70s

>first world
>first world

Everyone do

Burguers talking about culture and shitty people heh

>"non-theocratic democracy"

>west europe
>south europe
>new zealand
>first world


Hell no