Please help biz. Please help linkmarines

Please help biz. Please help linkmarines

I accidentally deleted my mimi folder. The default folder all my memes are saved to while viewing Jow Forums.
It was all done on a note 8.
I had no back ups. In so pissed. 7000+ images.
I lost it all. My pepes. My wojaks. My sergeys. My shadow forks. All my link memes. My braps.
I need all the link memes. I had plans to write a book cataloguing the link memes after the singularity allowed me to retire.

Attached: 1527562891827.png (1300x1500, 354K)

Attached: xddddd.jpg (246x205, 7K)

god sped lonkmariene

Attached: DU92gX9UMAAU7qT.jpg (229x245, 7K)

Mimi is shitty

And who are you expecting to buy a book full of Link memes (made by others)? Who are you expecting to publish that?

Attached: 1527536590181.png (1387x1020, 609K)

A semi rare for you

Attached: 1523051211133.jpg (1200x1600, 484K)

That sucks dude.

Attached: 9DD119A0-923F-49BE-9823-84FE9D3F9D4B.jpg (556x636, 75K)

Attached: 1518456509558.gif (280x198, 3.65M)

Attached: 1523199578998.jpg (1000x1139, 233K)

disgusting. Sergey spits on you

Attached: 1509833714723.jpg (750x1000, 119K)

Attached: 1512386322431.jpg (595x856, 124K)

Attached: oldrichman.jpg (1200x800, 257K)

Attached: ykNrXgU.jpg (951x5750, 924K)

Attached: 8BC8477E-6BDE-406B-8F06-88FE150C1E48.png (896x1371, 1.18M)

Attached: X-Files.png (800x1200, 1.44M)

ive got pretty much all of the link memes. come get em

Attached: photo_2018-03-29_20-12-29.jpg (640x640, 15K)

Attached: 2D555ED5-7AA0-4DAE-B8B3-2959E570CCAB.jpg (500x300, 316K)






Attached: 1524322982304.jpg (600x600, 122K)

It's not too bad, Clover is still the king though.

Take this after it crashes

Check em

Attached: 1518290143720.jpg (221x228, 8K)

Attached: trumpbuylink.jpg (739x648, 289K)


Attached: thenewelite.jpg (1100x685, 233K)


Attached: singularitygraph.jpg (1600x784, 102K)


Attached: THELINKING3.jpg (1920x1080, 472K)


Attached: thelinking2.jpg (640x360, 59K)

Attached: singularitycosmos.jpg (1200x1200, 682K)

Attached: shininglink.jpg (780x259, 53K)

>he doesnt self publish on amazon


Attached: EtherLink.png (747x881, 149K)

Attached: 1527157741270.jpg (2560x1440, 2.3M)

Attached: 1527439333270.jpg (864x559, 64K)

Attached: 1527529374299.jpg (700x700, 367K)

Attached: Link.jpg (223x226, 8K)

Thanks everyone! Still here. Still saving memes i lost. I have made a bunch myself.

Attached: PicsArt_02-13-02.13.26.png (1280x1200, 2.1M)

Reporting in fren

Attached: chainlinkspportraits.jpg (1387x1020, 1.16M)

Attached: 1518729226746.jpg (634x425, 218K)

Attached: 1521176193510.png (750x1008, 1.33M)

Attached: 1499599776604.jpg (630x840, 191K)

Attached: 1525987317157.jpg (1024x731, 206K)

do you have the original image
if only they wrote ''are you gonna finish that'' in

This guy lurks XD amirite guise

are you literally too stupid to recover deleted data on your phone?

it's like that whore that deleted the pics I took of her in her panties and she thought I wasn't able to jack off to them later

Attached: cozy biz Apu waifus nuke.png (1387x1020, 855K)

Attached: 1524610281534.jpg (2048x1536, 1.14M)