Does anyone else find it weird that New Zealand is seen as a white country? It's only 65% white. That's less than pretty much every other "white" country except America.
Does anyone else find it weird that New Zealand is seen as a white country? It's only 65% white...
their nonwhites are natives and gooks which is vastly superior to niggers and refugees
Surely it's not that low?
If you include mixed people as being white (lol) then it jumps up to 75
No anglosphere country is white, since anglos actively prevented the reconquest of Constantinople
T. Doesn't have racial demographics
Your country was better under German rule
Yes. I was actually surprised as fuck when I realized that was the actual number, they're almost on the same level as America.
You're obsessed with Jow Forums and dicks. It's your entire arsenal. Didn't even relate to Mexico's post
Thanks :3
Landmass brothers
Was it?
Doesn't change a thing retard.
He's right you know
We only killed natives because they killed us
90% of the time it was unironic self defense
Maoris are based though
what's based about them
They don't fit in the America world view dynamic so they are "based".
>New Zealand is seen as a white country?
lol do people really do this?
I thought people knew we mixed heavily with the natives and have shit loads of Pacific Islanders and Asians.
>I thought people knew we mixed heavily with the natives
Speak for yourself
You do read like the kind of person who doesn't mix at all
How come?
74% actually you autist
learn to google
So triggered
I think that's the total amount of people that have European ancestry.
it's hilarious that they are pretty much the most isolated country geographically and yet they still can't manage to keep their country white
Who the fuck irl cares about concept of "whiteness"? Here I've never ever met a one person who talk about it.
well, anything can pass as white in russia
Either stop using Clapistani meme terminology or start showing your real flag.
Why do wesrernoids always see the whole world in terms of race/whiteness/natives-nonnatives? What's up with that obsession? I never understood this shit
Russians are the most racist backwards fucks in all of Europe. Don't even feign innocence, no one will fall for that from you.
Because the majority of people are white, even if it's a smaller majority than in Australia.
Also our race relations are probably better than any other Anglo country, so the declining demographics don't faze us as much.