How old is your town? Mine is about 385 years old

How old is your town? Mine is about 385 years old.

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Interesting thread.
Moeмy 860, a ты тaм нa дaльнeм вocтoкe живёшь?

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Mine is 136 years old

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>named in 1793 by John Graves Simcoe, who proposed the site for the capital of Upper Canada.

>a ты тaм нa дaльнeм вocтoкe живёшь?

5th century B.C.
a thracian settlement
continuously populated since then

Like most ancient cities, the exact date is hard to find. Some sources say a settlement existed in the 6th century BC, before Biturges migrated there and named the city Burdigala in the IIIrd century

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Oulu is about 413 years old, though it burned down about 196 years ago.
Oulu was founded on 8 April 1605 by King Charles IX of Sweden, opposite the fort built on the island of Linnansaari. This took place after favourable peace settlements with Russia, which removed the threat of attack via the main east-west waterway, the river Oulu.[citation needed] The surrounding areas were populated much earlier. Oulu is situated by the Gulf of Bothnia, at the mouth of river Oulujoki, which is an ancient trading site. Oulu was the capital of the Province of Oulu from 1776 to 2009.

In 1822, a major fire destroyed much of the city.[citation needed] The architect Carl Ludvig Engel, chiefly known for the neoclassical (empire style) buildings around Helsinki Senate Square, was enlisted to provide the plan for the rebuilding of the city. With minor changes, this plan remains the basis for the layout of Oulu's town center. The Oulu Cathedral was built in 1832 to his designs, with the spire being finished in 1844. During the Crimean War, Oulu's harbour was raided by the British fleet, destroying ships and burning tar houses, leading to international criticism.[citation needed]

Once known for wood tar and salmon, Oulu has evolved into a major high-tech centre, particularly in IT and wellness technology. Other prominent industries include wood refining, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paper, and steel.[citation needed]

The municipality of Ylikiiminki was merged with the city of Oulu on 1 January 2009. Oulu and the municipalities of Haukipudas, Kiiminki, Oulunsalo, and Yli-Ii were merged on 1 January 2013.[9]

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The city was foundated in 1070, but there has been a town here since 1700 bc.

1,945 years
founded in 73 AD by the Romans

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like 5000 years

63 years old

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Got a royal charter in 1214 which is 802 years ago I think.
Don't come here it's shit.

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80 years old

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>Founded under the name of Byzantion (Βυζάντιον) on the Sarayburnu promontory around 660 BCE

1092 ad

871 but my district is much younger

People have been living here perhaps since the bronze age. No exact date.

It's a medieval village and the walls had many different houses attached to them over the centuries, but there is Gallo Romans ruins under the foundations.

Franks settled here around 450 a.d. thus the name.
It was first officially mentioned in 853 something a.d.

1,458 years old according to Wikipedia

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It's 130 years as my town government.

Rate the prefecture mark.

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I don't know, probably over 2,000 years old.

Somewhere during the Vedic period around c. 1500 – c. 1100 BCE.

162 years old

My town is 2000 years old. But people have had some kind of settlement here 13000 years ago.

The city was founded by the Romans. As a fortress to guard a river crossing.

The village next to it was a barracks.

people lived here since the stone age

The first mention of my city in any hostirical source is in some customs papers from 1528 as it had an important harbour at the time.

It was first mentioned in writing 1006 years ago. The oldest building in the town is around 750 years old (one on the left), it fitting houses the town's historical museum now.

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First documentation is around the 10th century, we got city rights in the 13th century


Mine's 349 years old, give or take a few years

Founded as market place 1775, full city rights 1779

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247 years


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Romans had a settlement here in the year 79
But it was basically a village until the industrial revolution

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We recently had the 800th anniversary.

It was first mentioned by name in the 15th century but people already lived here back in prehistoric times


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Is it Russia? If so, pretty cool port you have Ivan, would visit

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>living in a town
Towns are for cucks, Real men establish their own society.

Just 181 years old

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This is a thread to jealize Americans

168 years old.

Settlement has been around since the stone age, but the earliest mention of it is 700 years old.

About 1200 years

about 1000 years

First mentioned 871 years ago, but settled by Slavs probably ~1000 years ago, as Kremlin hill was built over by XI century already. Though in Tsaritsyno palatial park archeologists unearthed Fatianovo culture towns, that would predate Slavs splitting from Proto-Balto-Slavic continuity, the towns would be like over 4400 years old.
Moscow is huge enough to have a couple dozen ancient towns beneath it, and trice that size villaged.

My ancestral village was ~600 years old, founded by Tatar immigrants/mercenaries into Lithuania. The city I grew close to was 1100 years old (Minsk).

39 years old, it was founded in 1979.

The oldest record is 1353

158 years (Outer Manchuria cession), mountains, warships, long narrow peninsulas, cruise liner, taking photo at nights not to highlight ghetto tier buildings.
Vladik? Not Nakhodka, no, not enough coal piles and misery.

Town is 182 years old, City it belongs to is around 3000 years old :))))

>The first masonry under Prague Castle dates from the year 885 at the latest.
Pretty old and the area was settled even earlier

coincidentally, exactly 666 years since first written evidence about town's church
so very likely way more than that

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>tfw no mention of Messukylä

>a temple in my neighborhood was founded in 1480
>highly crowded residential area now but there used to be large field and rice pads till 1950s

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>coal piles and misery.
ugh stop my shithole is not a shithole! Where I lived, anyway...

more than 2500 years, it was founded by Greeks.


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My town was founded 414 years ago

My town is 15 years old.
Actually a satellite town.

zou-san zou san

i.e. 766 years

1142 years old, but my town had to be reconstructed on 1113 due to norman raids

t. David Koresh

Around 130


2350 years
alexander the great built mine

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First written mention in 1450, but aparently archeological findings show that the area was inhabited since stone age. Too bad it got burned down by three town-wide fires around 1900. It was so bad only a few buildings were left standing.

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lmao, a literal *townlet*

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My town is pretty young for the area, considering it's been properly settled for ~250 years.

But it's around 90 or so years old.

1895 years old, before the settlement was inhabited by might or might not be celts before romans found the city proper

750 years
Roosendaal Tullepetaonestad ftw

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Кpacивый гopoд.

Taм хoлoднo?

Archaeological evidence suggests the area has been settled since the iron age, officially became a town in 1550.

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People have been settled here since the Iron Age, but there was only about 50 people living here in the 1800's, and then it became a real town.

it was a post town in roman era then established as a town/city in 4th century
now dubbed “chicago of france” because crime

2030 years, oldest in Germany

Attached: Trier-Deutschlands-aelteste-Stadt.jpg (1024x1001, 167K)

2 000 years

My town has only been around since the early 80's. Sounds crazy, right?


718 years old

868 years old

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around 2,000 years old, if you count the ancient Roman settlement of Aquincum as the originator of present-day Budapest
officially the city will celebrate its 145th anniversary in a few weeks, since the towns of Buda, Óbuda and Pest were merged together in 1873

Based Moskovsky BOGATYR'

Mine is 864 years old

Bullshit there were no Italians in QLD until 1960

Build in 800, which makes it 1200 years old.

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800 years old roughly.

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1166 years old

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>tfw your city wasn't founded by Romans
pointless to post desu

>his ancestors were too primitive to found a settlement on their own before Roman arrival

~8218 years old
fucking townlets

Founded on June 20, 1325

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653 years old. founded on 7 April 1365 as Růdolfswerde

but it has been settled since pre-history

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Settled in 6th century BC
Capital of various kingdoms, rebuilt multiple times

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