Why didn't white people annihilate niggers?
Why didn't white people annihilate niggers?
Stop going on Jow Forums so much friendo
They kidnapped this white girl and raped, at the end, crushed her head by throwing heavy rock to her face.
her face and head got totally demolished.
g**ks should be annihilated
why every gook poster is a pol tard here
More like rangebanned
I’m pretty sure most of them are alright but this one dude really kills my opinion of them.
I honestly am not sure.
I think back in colonialism they did not in any way see them as human, and were convinced they were a very profitable animal to have around. Like an ox but with thumbs and an ability to communicate.
I don't think anyone ever envisioned a world where they lived among all other peoples. They would have probably thought that insane and dangerous.
white people in nutshell
"muh liberals"
"muh human rights"
"muh no racism"
"muh wakanda"
a nigger comes and ask you, "hey fuck off white boy get your white chick to me"
white : "oh alright bud! no worries. sex should be basic element for human right and I will guarantee you to borrow my wife. no worries!"
*wife got raped and head crushed, dead*
*white husband do nothing just as he was always beta liberal leftist cuck*
this is so much solid fact that niggers are cancer of every society.
they are like walking animal in law's comfy boundary.
they think it's all their world just because they can chimp out and in everywhere. using violence and gang acting.
that's why human being need to control them with lashes and bat.
but you never saw a black person probably
no need to. because they'll be always in ghetto or prison.
Because we must create a low IQ workforce race for the chosen people.
can't understand and bare this stupidity that risking your innocent wife and children over the norm that you should keep this animals in. and live with.
Because there is no reason to. Blacks are dumb and weak. They can easily be dominated.
Come to America friend and you’ll see just how white people think of you and your people.
I'm sorry but we yellow people don't need to visit your infected country.
you're misunderstanding. im not flattering
and I would never visit your place.
just keep in pakis and indians, and chinese , africans maybe.
while i be in safe and stable country.
Her bf
being treated as yellow chinky eyed person >>>>> laying down all the confidence and right to protect your family and wife.children.
white people are disgustingly shameful letting this happen in their own ground.
yet still supporting it it's racism to even mention these kind of cases.
Ahh yes always blame the whites for other people subhuman behaviour...
you're missing the point.
you're not being the blamed one when it comes to blacks being criminal
you're being blamed for not sending them to african zoo ealier.
Lucky him
Hard working, good at math, non-violent and low crime?
seriously I anticipate somewhere around future, massacre between races will happen.
It'd not be something like blacks annihiliating white,
but whites annihiliating black. + persecuting and expelling all the other colored races.
they've stifled that anger too much. someone like hitler will be emerged in europe or north america. then the rage will be unstoppable.
Lincoln wanted to take'em back to Africa. Maybe a smaller minority that's constantly subject to judgment and social pressure might've become a well-off model minority in the US.
>hey fuck off white boy get your white chick to me"
Her bf in this case was also BLACK
Based and redpilled
>Fucking other girls and running away
Pretty much based and redpilled acting
>t. abeed
And this is a bad thing because you mongoloid incel ?
Chinks have spikey hair like anime
She was with her black boyfriend when it happened
Thats how I view Americans which LARP with their German "ancestry"
toll status: paid
The official propaganda was that Africans (and other non-Europeans) were 'little brothers', in desperate need of light of European civilization to uplift them from their benighted state. On the ground however, the status of colonised Africans varied from 'exploited but treated pseudo-humanely' to 'almost slaves' to 'definitely slaves' to 'definitely corpses', depending on who was supervising and where.
nani that flag
top kek
you arr pass as abeeds if you come here
Why Asians and Hafus have always incels and Jow Forumstards?
he is 100% ching chong i'm pretty sure
Asian incels are the best incels
>whiteness obsessed asian pushing Jow Forums agenda
I've seen everything now