>What language are you learning? >Share language learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target language! >Help people who want to learn a new language! >Find people to practice your target language with! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
Learning resources: First and foremost check the Jow Forums Wiki. (don't you ever dare embed) 4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki
/Lang/ is currently short on those image qts, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to read the OP; nobody embeds anyway!
FAQ: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Ideally take a class, otherwise buy (torrent) a well-received textbook for your language, google any grammar you have trouble with and no matter what do lots of translation exercises but post an apu if you actually read this but I doubt it >Will I learn a language by using Duolingo five minutes a day while being a normie? Nein! >Should I learn X to get a qt wife/gf (male) etc? Nö! >Should I learn X because of my heritage Implying! >What language should I learn Who cares! Post for (You)s anyway >I want a language that's useful and fun but not too hard And I want a qt gf that doesn't mean (s)he exists! >I want a language that's useful and embrace a challenge German >Discord link filtered
>third wait what does he have two wives or something
Samuel Sullivan
yes, that is the joke
his first wife is dead, but he still loves her
Robert Lopez
also, his second wife is alive, but he hates her.
Ian Moore
>I want a language that's useful and fun but not too hard >And I want a qt gf that doesn't mean (s)he exists! What?
Alexander Wilson
Allochtoon's a bit naff
Adrian Mitchell
oh ok, not sure if that should be obvious >he needs punctuation to understand a sentence lmao go back to your typewriter gramps
Leo Watson
Jeremiah Bailey
Nicholas Bailey
Jack Morales
the absolute state of /lang/
Parker Young
I'll prob finish reading Harry Potter en Español tomorrow
Levi Thompson
hvar eru bræður mínir sem eru að læra íslensku?
Mason Allen
Jaxon Lewis
Imma try to keep the thread alive
>What language(s) are you learning? >For how long have you been learning? >Why are you learning that exact language? >What languages do you want to learn next?
>>What language(s) are you learning? ég er að læra íslensku >>For how long have you been learning? í nokkra mánuði >>Why are you learning that exact language? það er sætt >>What languages do you want to learn next? ég veit ekki. kannski mun ég læra færeysku
Jordan Cook
one per hour is enough though, people are just n00bs
Julian Jenkins
this cow haunts my dreams
Noah Foster
>draad is dood >tijd om te blogposten >in de trein >witte oma met 4 zwarte kinderen >ze zijn allemaal schattig en zijn aan het spelen bij de uitgang >toch zijn ze beleefd tegen iedereen en maakt niet veel lawaai >iedereen heeft een glimlach door die kinderen >trein conducteur maakt grapjes over het intercom >bij de Burger King om wat lui eten te halen >meisje bij de kassa is ook aardig en netjes >zon schijnt >treinen zijn precies op tijd fuck, soms is dit het beste land ik hou van jullie, ik maak straks een challenege voor jullie :3
Adrian Jackson
>lui eten ik weet niet hoe ik zou dit moeten zeggen, ik bedoelde ik ging eten die gemaakt is voor luiers te halen
Jason Ward
>>draad is dood Þráðurinn er alltaf dauður
Liam Barnes
>>What language(s) are you learning? Icelandic, Old Norse, Norwegian >>For how long have you been learning? Icelandic and Norse 2 weeks. Norwegian 3 years >>Why are you learning that exact language? Only languages I find interesting and find a connection to >>What languages do you want to learn next? Probably none other, although Proto-Germanic is interesting
Hudson Hall
>Icelandic Grundaður og rauðpillaður
Lincoln Rogers
fastfood, snelle hap, gemakvoedsel.. >eten die gemaakt is voor luiers te halen >luiers 'luiwammessen', 'luierikken', luiaarden... Luiers are diapers.
Leo Long
where my chinese speakers at
Brody Turner
Anki font of choice? For me it’s Unifraktur Maguntia.
>>treinen zijn precies op tijd >Roemeense treinen zijn altijd laat en je krijgt nooit je geld terug
Landon White
I see they cut out the middle man
Benjamin Anderson
中文難しい Pourquoi parfois le i sonne comme un u ou un e ? And J sometimes sounds more like a dz than dj. Cuando escucho el audio olvido el pinyin y cuando leo el pinyin olvido la pronunciación.
nou ja, er zijn genoeg problemen met NS ook, niet zo erg als met CFR maar dan nog blijkbaar zijn blaadjes of 0.05 cm sneeuw op het spoor een groot risico en dus moeten ze heel langzaam rijen... en tijdens het spits is het echt druk op sommige trajecten een ding dat bijna altijd geldt is dat treinen hier best wel schoon zijn, en meestal in de "stilte" wagons zijn mensen echt stil en praten niet aan ze telefoon of minstens niet te hard zodat je lezen of een beetje slapen kan
>What language(s) are you learning? Japanese (advanced), Mandarin (beginner) >For how long have you been learning? ~5 years Japanese with varying effort, maybe 3 years of good routine work and I can finally decipher their scriptures with care but it's true you can't learn Japanese 3 days for Mandarin >Why are you learning that exact language? J: culture C: population + culture, esp. literature >What languages do you want to learn next? Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Korean, German, Hebrew, Ancient Greek + Latin
Benjamin Rogers
>of 0.05 cm sneeuw op het spoor een groot risico en dus moeten ze heel langzaam rijen Ja, maar onze treinen zijn altijd langzaam. Als het sneeuwt is het nog erger. Auto's maken me ziek dus wanneer ik uitga heb ik geen andere keuze dan de trein te nemen. Het is leuk wanneer ik geen haast heb, maar niet anders.
Also feel free to correct. I haven't touched Dutch in ages.
Michael James
Polishing my French and working on Italian Took French in school from age 13-16, then kept it up on my own for five years until starting a new class this year. Started Italian last winter. I started learning French because I thought it's a beautiful language, and I've continued because it's widely spoken, helps with English, is tied to an interesting culture, and enables me to read a lot of things in the original language. I started Italian because it's useful in classical music (I play piano and sing), and because I got a gig in a music festival in Italy that I did over the summer. I don't know which ones I want to learn next.
Xavier Morales
>not learning finnish
Aaron Anderson
watching a God Of War LP and "compass" and "witch" are very similar words funny
Some people have better things to do than learn a dead irrelevant language for snow niggers
Jose Phillips
>What language(s) are you learning? Le francais. >For how long have you been learning? Trois ans d'etudie, mais j'ai seulement apprend un peut, chaque fois dans le fac. >Why are you learning that exact language? Parce-que je bien envie de parle le francais, au cause que je suis fasciné de cette langue. Je aussi croit que le langue et mieux que l'anglais, pur la communiquation. >What languages do you want to learn next? Je n'ai pas fini le francais, mais je veux apprendre le russe.
Mason Sanchez
>edited the OP with saying German is hard Sweetie no
David Hughes
>Auto's maken me ziek dus wanneer ik uitga heb ik geen andere keuze Auto's maken me ziek, maar wanneer ik uitga Dus is akin to therefore. >Het is leuk wanneer ik geen haast heb, maar niet anders. "Maar anders niet" sounds better to my ears, just a nitpick, not wrong though. Looks pretty solid to me.
Nicholas Thomas
>What language(s) are you learning? Korean >For how long have you been learning? about 1,5 years >Why are you learning that exact language? chose it at random and stuck with it >What languages do you want to learn next? Latin
Isaac Butler
>dus is akin to therefore but that was the point I think I get car sickness _so_ (therefore) I don't have any other choice when I want to go out (but to take the train)
to me it makes more sense to use dus there, maybe you misunderstood what he meant to say
Xavier Green
>Trois ans d'étude.....j'ai seulement appris >j'ai bien envie de parler >je crois aussi que la langue ... pour la communication
Mon niveau c'est pas avancé, et moi, je fais trop d'erreurs aussi. Mais je voulais remarquer les tiens, et tu pourras les corriger la prochaine fois. J'aiime le francais aussi.
Gavin Flores
Ohh, my bad, I did misinterpret it. Car sickness ->[Ik word] wagenziek / wagenziekte
Colton Long
>Car is auto >Car sickness is wagenziekte Why
Xavier James
>tfw haven't learned ANY french in about a year now I always tell myself that i'll start tomorrow, then tomorrow comes around and I tell myself the same shit over and over. Now, it has been well over a year now. FUCK
Gavin Lee
>What language(s) are you learning? French, German, Spanish >For how long have you been learning? yesterday >Why are you learning that exact language? english, french, and german make up the most /lit/ languages on earth. >What languages do you want to learn next? Sanskrit, Old Hebrew, Japanese Koine Greek, Latin, Russian, Ancient Greek
William Scott
Reading Moara cu Noroc made me realize how much of a brainlet I am. >Japanese Koine Greek Now, I knew about Brazilian German or Fijian Hindi, but this is on a whole new level of obscurity.
Carson Anderson
Dylan Butler
Estoy aprendiendo español!
No tiempo bastante!
Por qué estoy en España!
Algo que no me hace a quiero a morir!
Dylan Sullivan
What's the story?
Angel Carter
r-relax user
>Reading Moara cu Noroc made me realize how much of a brainlet I am. how so? it's a very nice book but from what I recall it wasn't that difficult to read
I blame the Germans and maybe because the word motion sickness was made up when people still called them wagens, and in the meantime they started calling them auto's car is also 'wagen' hé so again, just blame the Germans, it's what everyone does I also found this vlaamswoordenboek.be/definities/term/wagen >Wagen is standaardtaal voor auto, maar wordt meer gebruikt in Vlaanderen dan in Nederland.
>mfw I'm correcting toothpastes je zou niet eens weten dat ik een vieze allochtoon ben
google is your friend but I am too, so: >Earlier this year, a truck carrying cows to slaughter rolled over. Two animals escaped from the overturned vehicle and made a run for it. One ran for the open doors of a supermarket—it would have seemed like a safe, enclosed space for a terrified animal. >In a twist of fate that is as nauseating as it is poignant, the animal was shot dead in the meat aisle. The resulting inadvertent scene is one that could have been staged by an artist or activist trying to raise awareness that meat, dairy and eggs are sanitized packages representing dead animals who wanted to live and who fought for their lives. believe at your own risk huffingtonpost.com/anna-pippus/the-internet-is-freaking-_b_12077126.html
Stop posting that you fucking /b/tard Mad disease[?] cow gets shot in a store
Cameron Green
How come? The plot is a bit confusing but it's not difficult to read by any means.
Brandon Ward
The word might be older than the invention of the auto. You could still use wagen for auto, but it sounds archaic in most cases or you are just being a cheeky cunt. Some regional dialects might use the word more frequently.
Do you know what would be great? what if we all make a video speaking the languages that we know? It will encourage people to learn languages and attract them to our thread.
Jordan Gonzalez
1. No 2. 90% of this thread is people who do duolingo while taking a shit and it would discourage them if anything
Cameron Lee
>video haha aa I'll do a vocaroo at most
Hunter Martinez
I'm too insecure about my voice and ability for even that. I'd do text, that's about it
Charles Hall
>known languages Swedish, English >learning German >want to learn Japanese, Finnish, French
>attract more people to the thread now why in the fuck would you want that and >video ahah hell no I'll record vocaroos if for whatever reason people want to but nothing more than that man wtf don't encourage such rampant normiedom
how do you expect to learn how to speak a language then?
Adam Hernandez
By speaking by not listening to myself
Levi Wood
But not*
Hudson Russell
>>want to learn >Japanese, Varför är det så många av er?
>discord shh! you'll upset a bunch of posters here
Cooper Baker
There's a discord already And I've been waiting for a link for the past week or so, some Swedanon promised it but has yet to deliver
Brandon Gutierrez
Yea I've read about it but is there really a point in waiting for it if the owner clearly doesn't want to share it? Might aswell just create a new, public one. B-but they'll s-steal my nude p-pictures a-and send them t-to the FBI ;___; D-Did you know they save data?!
Connor Sanders
It's not that, discords always end up resulting in the thread either dying or going to shit from circlejerking
Brayden Wood
>What language(s) are you learning? Ich lerne Deutsch.
>For how long have you been learning? Zu lang.
>Why are you learning that exact language? Ich möchte zu meiner Wurzeln näher kommen.
>What languages do you want to learn next? Vielleicht Französisch? Entweder das oder sowas in der Art. Ich weiß nicht.
Landon Hughes
>unironically muh ancestors
William Diaz
>some Swedanon promised it but has yet to deliver that would be me
I didn't know if any serious people still waited for it, so I stopped caring as the topic was met with such bullshit animosity here. I'll ping the admin again for you if you really want in, though.
>if the owner clearly doesn't want to share it? I should not speak too much, but I know both the admins are inactive or semi-active due to personal things. IMO the mistake was not giving invite powers to the mods, as the mods are active af.
>public Public servers get shat up fast, so that's why this one is invite only.
Cameron Murphy
If you don't like the "bullshit animosity" you can leave instead of trying to kill the general while doing so
Easton James
Just tell the admins to change who can invite and things will be fine, instead of pinging them for a single invite link. Might as well do it that one time they're active. Plus a lot more people would be willing to join, sure of it.
Logan Foster
>trying to kill the general General is active, Discord is active, Discord users post here. There is no "killing" involved.
Pinged them. Let's hope.
Christian Richardson
looking at our country today, the true meaning was probably this:
>black blacks >red turks >gold sand niggers
Andrew Howard
ok anons it's challenge time!
comfy /ck/ edition >Would you like to order? >How much are the cucumbers? >Surely he is the king of the egg-fort. >How does he get out of there? >I had a great breakfast this morning! >What would you like to eat for lunch? >Doing groceries stresses me out so much. >Where does Hans need to go to buy some bacon? >My shopping bags were stolen and I don't have the receipt! >What would I need if wanted to cook a really typical dish? >Can I have two red bell peppers and six beautiful tomatoes please? Actually, make that seven!
>Originating in the 1600s, stamppot is one of the oldest Dutch recipes that remains popular today. The traditional Dutch stamppot recipes use mashed potatoes as the base, and then incorporate a vegetable (most often sauerkraut, kale, endive, spinach, and turnip greens) and sometimes a meat, making the quintessential comfort food dish. There are no real rules about what goes into a stamppot, though, so the variety is as endless as your imagination.
That happens to me too sometimes. I learned the word "sortie" through Japanese, for example.
Cooper Smith
Fluency is not understanding the entire vocab of a language, though. You'll be fine, lad. I learn new English words from time to time and I've been fluent for years.
Leo Wright
what's the best texting app that is similar to whatsapp and matches you with other learners?
Alexander Williams
is bahasa indonesia really useful or should I just stick to javanese?
Isaiah Reed
Good news! I have a link! gib Discord username and I'll get you in
Maybe that's a bit rude, but do you actually think that this general is great for qualitative answers to quick questions? Would that not be better in a Discord? For daily challenges this general is pretty good but as the only way of talking language on this board it's pretty poopy. >Public servers get shat up fast, so that's why this one is invite only. All Discord servers are invite only :^) Though I get what you mean. The admin should still go fuck himself tbqhqhqh.
Anthony Martinez
If it worked ideally I agree but discords always end up as off-topic circlejerking that kills the discord and takes the thread with it. This is true for a huge amount of /vg/ generals as well