Why is the healthcare here so fucking terrible

why is the healthcare here so fucking terrible

Attached: 1487732644014.jpg (854x854, 43K)

Care to explain, user?

Thought it'd be an American flag

my local hospital has a minimum of 2 fucking doctors working, and the wait times are actually terrible (5-8 hours). I once saw a guy come in with a bloody knee from a car accident right outside and they actually made him wait a bit before getting him help.

wrong, if it was an american flag he wouldn't have health care at all.


>wait times are actually terrible (5-8 hours)
That's bad even by Mexican standards

Ours is worse you ungrateful fuck

coz you are a faggot and your contry is not allowed to give healthcare to a faggot.

my mother went in today to get checked out and she said she waited 6 goddamn hours without even getting in

Where is the pic in op from?

Stop making shit up, it's pathetic. I bet you're an American.

i dont know its just some cat i found
and i bet you fuck kangaroos

Couldn't she just make an apointment via internet or through a phone operator? We have that

>public only healthcare systems
>not having a god tier public-private system

>make an apointment
only works if you schedule with your family doctor directly since the people on the phone always fuck up

why are you so incompetent

>my local hospital has a minimum of 2 fucking doctors working, and the wait times are actually terrible (5-8 hours). I once saw a guy come in with a bloody knee from a car accident right outside and they actually made him wait a bit before getting him help.
That's standard in A&E though. Read about the concept of Triage.

Bloody knee is not a life threatening situation that requires immediate help. It just looks messy.
Stop being a poof.

>and the wait times are actually terrible (5-8 hours).

here it's usually 5-8 days, don't complain

>have 5-8 hours wating time while the hospitel is being paid mostly by other people


>have 5-8 hours wating time while the hospital is being paid entirely by yourself

I think the choice is obvious!!!

How is in germany?

Wrong. Healthcare and health insurance are 2 different things. All the worlds best doctors come here because you can get filthy rich as a doctor. Our healthcare facilitys are the best on earth but they cost alot.

Better. We have public and private.
Compare it to say the flaming garbage dump that is the NHS where they can't get appointments and are completely cucked no matter how much they are willing to pay to get something checked out