who will win
Who will win
The white guy.
Who wins between a poor guy asking for money and a bank, usually?
Hopefully the poor guy who wants to preserve the wellbeing of his country and not the banker overseeing a leftist organization undermining the member countries' homogeneity.
how come did southern italians forget about the "nord" in lega nord?
I thought salvini wanted independence for padania
No idea, Salvini is a marketing genius. He also picked a close friend of Zaia (hardcore secessionist from Veneto) as the minister of Regional Affairs, so we may be in for some surprises in the near future
If he tries to break up Italy will he see the fate of Mussolini?
Considering that half the country would gladly genocide the other half, probably not
Who will win
>some of the most educated technocrats and shrewd politicians out there
>some turk who thinks vaccines are satans toothpick
I see you're stuck in october 2016
if he is concerned with the wellbeing of his country, why is he spending money that he doesn't have?
If I had to bet I'll bet on Juncker. Like it or not that jew is a political genius with a lot of experience. I mean he's already part of the history of the EU
Helmut is right here, you got it backwards. Here it's white man that cares about Italy's wellbeing, and tries to save it.
It's not his fault Italy is one of the countries that have continuously proven that isn't predisposed to consciously ruling themselves, and he has to save them from themselves.
I'd bet on him simply because Germany and France and their client states are gangbangin on us
you are making it sound as if you are the innocent victim here
Guy on the right is unironically an antivaxxer. He really try hard to get the rural and suburban retards vote.
we are. This is the result of you eurofags trying to fuck us over with the migrant crisis
Gee, I wonder how could this happen? Could it be because you're top of most indebted nations, and your sole participation in this """Union""" is taking money and eating it away in endless cycle of humungous corruption?
Nah, must be Merkel who wants to roleplay Palpatine, this is it.
>and your sole participation in this """Union""" is taking money and eating it
funny, that's actually you
that faggot little yurokike would be begging for more shitalian semen in his anus.
chocolate milk his shit up mario!
Not denying it. Not making victim out of my cunt (goverment does, I don't support them).
I think results are tad better. At least I can't recall any recent construction killing dozens of people in collapse because we'd given EU money to literal mafia, "because that's our tradition here : ^) "
Also, not the topic of discussion.
you seem to have a vast knowledge of mafia in Italy, I bet you researched all those facts yourself
mistakes were made during the refugee crisis
however, refugees alone don't explain why Italy has a debt of 130$ GDP
I stand with our Italian allies
Top of eu bureaucrats cant be fired fast enough, fucking waste of oxygen.
No opinion on the other guy tho.
>mistakes were made
>but the only mistakes that matter are yours lol
classic european
The ugly man on the left unfortunately, I forgot his name, but Slavini could had win if only the USA decided to interfere.
so none of them?
Just like niggers in America complain about white men and slavery italians complain about germans and euro how they fucked them and how they'd best without it
Like all european shitholes are doing the same tho. We are a big BLACK community.
go home bogdan
El tirolANO is scared
Highest gdp capita in the whole country, suck my dick.
just wait for EU elections in May, things will change
Out of the loop here, what are they fighting about/competing for?
It's a pretend fight like american wrestling, they both agree on pretty much everything but they've to put up a show for the spectators. This year budget is not radically different from the past years budget but they whine and complain so the other guy gain anti-european reputation among rural and suburban retards.
tl;dr: tsipras 2.0
>doesnt do anything to reform themselves
>cry about niggers
classic nigger
buzzwords: the post
We weren't the ones destroyed 4 times in history and then created with a treaty, though
It's one of those
>whoever wins, we lose
situations like Aliens vs Predator
The thief is proud of his theft
>È tutto un gombloddo beppe
Whoever wins, the people will lose.
junker is against vaccines?