What wrong with Muslim American girls?

What wrong with Muslim American girls?
>my professor is Muslim from pakistan
>she is rather liberal and doest wear hijab
>there is a bitchy Paki-American girl in class
>she is all Islamist for "muh identity" sake
>she has a valley girl accent and doesnt know anything about Pakistan
>my liberal Pakistani immigrant professor considered herself American. The valleygirl Islamist girl identfies as Pakistani.

second generation Muslims have to be deported

Attached: iranian couple arrested anti islamic instagram pictures.jpg (634x809, 64K)

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i agree
arab immigrants who are born in the west are completely shit , they give us bad images
when they are in the west they consider themselves arabs , when they come here they consider themselves westeners , they have shitty mentality too and no one love them from both sides (west and their people)
the problem now is the wars happening in arab countries , your countries need to stop supporting those wars , make stability in MENA and everyone here won't have any problem if you deport them

I think it may be related to your cancerous racially obsessive culture where you do stupid shit like (((positive))) discrimination. You just can't calm the fuck down and stop bringing up racial identity, "cultural appropriation" and other stupid nonsensical non-issues thus creating an unhealthy environment where all sorts of wackos, mongrels and basic bitches get to validate themselves through the shitfuckery you've described in your post.

i could not agree more


Dumb people tend to have identity issues and extremist but superficial views.

They are just people who want to be a special minority. It's not even about being Arab or Muslim or whatever, they are just attention whores lmao

>that post
>that flag
>the irony

>bring up race in every facet of society to the point that it becomes divisive
You guys dug your own graves

>arab immigrants who are born in the west are completely shit , they give us bad images
>when they are in the west they consider themselves arabs , when they come here they consider themselves westeners , they have shitty mentality too and no one love them from both sides (west and their people)
This is what Mexicans say about us lol

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Arabs and Pakistanis less so are so fickle in faith. Always the first to go into degeneracy when they come to europe.

This doesnt happen with other muslims

ah yes, Persian diaspora are quite pious indeed

Attached: asmr thot.jpg (320x384, 16K)

apologise wasnt thinking of shiites, any pseudoarab like turks and persians are shit too

That surprisingly describes our diaspora rather well

I don't really see it? Israelis definitely identify as Israelis, even those of us who have another citizenship don't call ourselves non-Israelis lmao.
Likewise for U.S Jews, they don't consider themselves Israelis, they are Murricans.

It is interesting how they appear to have American accents after only 2 generations. South Asian Muslims here are immediately identifiable by their accent and sentence structure even after 3 generations.
>everyone here won't have any problem if you deport them
I think they just might.

>considered herself an american
She suffers from an identity crisis as well, mate.

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thats because places like bradford have some unique paki-northern hybrid accent. For example in london they appear to have no distinguisable accent. Love the way they say fucking prick.

In most change accent in 1 generation

How does it work in russia with all your republics/ethnics

I've noticed that Chicano shit actually has something of a cult following among French Arabs. You go online and watch clips of French dubs of Chicano films like Blood In, Blood Out, you'll see a bunch of French Arabs commenting about how much they love that shit. It's strange, but I kinda makes sense that they would identify with that kind of shit.

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Your country is literally built upon butthurt identity issues because "WE WUZ ISRAELITES N SHIET" 2000 years ago although most Israelis came from Europe and the US.
In reality the only reason Israel even exists is because butthurt ashkenazi jews guilt-tripped the victorious allies into creating an ethnostate based on nationalistic movements from austrian and german jews from the 19th century.

>tfw no qt hijab gf


Attached: Persian qt.jpg (925x1140, 126K)

Very progressive and multicultural. Our diverse compatriots make him acknowledge that Chechnya kruto "Chechnya is cool".

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>everyone here won't have any problem if you deport them

just wait till you take them in

the only reason why westerners accepting immigrants from shit holes is creating minorities especially america are obsessed with brown folks

The American part